Child Sex Abuse: Victim’s ‘proof’ State Ignored Eden Park Abuse

The Australian
October 6, 2015

A victim of abuse at the Salvation Army’s former Eden Park home in the Adelaide Hills will today provide documents to a royal commission showing the state of South Australia and its child protection agencies knew about what was happening, but did nothing.

The former Salvation Army- run children’s home — where state wards were beaten and raped — will be at the centre of four days of hearings from today when the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse sits in Adelaide for its 33rd case inquiry.

The commission will investigate how the Salvation Army ran Eden Park between 1940 and 1990, and how it responded to child sexual abuse allegations.

Graham Rundle, 63, who was at Eden Park from 1960-68 from the age of seven, told The Australian yesterday that he would give evidence about documents that proved how much the state and its agencies knew.

He said government representatives were sent to Eden Park following complaints, but children continued to be sent there for years.








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