Twin Cities Catholics given chance to speak their minds
By Boyd Huppert
October 6, 2015
Bernard Hebda |
[with video]
ANOKA, Minn. – Pauline Cahalan arrived early. The "cradle" Catholic didn't want to risk not getting a seat.
"I see this as a unique opportunity," Cahalan said.
On Monday night she joined dozens of other Catholics in the launch of an unprecedented series of listening sessions with the man temporarily at the reigns of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
"I want a seat at the table," said Cahalan. "The diocese has a trust factor problem as far as I'm concerned."
The gathering at St. Stephen's Catholic Church in Anoka, and one earlier in the day at St. Catherine University, kicked off nine listening sessions scheduled over the next month.
Many Catholics have had their faith in the church shaken over clergy sexual abuse, bankruptcy and the resignation of the former archbishop John Nienstedt.
"I came here because I'm a convert to the Catholic Church and it's been pretty difficult over the last ten years," Linda Loes said.
In an interview with KARE 11 after the first session, Bernard Hebda, the man serving as archbishop temporarily, said common themes are already emerging. "The importance of restoring trust, I think certainly the importance of bringing healing, transparency was something that we heard a great deal," said Hebda.
Hebda is specifically asking what qualities local Catholics want in their new Archbishop, opinions he's promised to deliver to those advising Pope Francis on the next appointment.
"To just have another white person who only speaks English is not appropriate anymore," said Cahalan before the meeting.
"He needs to be open to the gay community, he needs to be open to people who've had abortions, he needs to be open to people who've had divorce," Sharon Sroga of Coon Rapids said.
Ralph Altenweg of Dayton, who also took part in the St. Stephen's session, said he's looking for an Archbishop who "needs to know the faith and love the faith and be a good leader and a good shepherd."
Hebda was asked near the end of the listening session if Pope Francis is even aware of the needs of the archdiocese.
Hebda responded, "When you get an archbishop and auxiliary bishop who resign on the same day, that's something he's going to remember."