Priest removed from Des Plaines church for ‘inappropriate relationship' with a man
By Jordan Owen
Chicago Sun-Times
October 4, 2015
Rev. Marco A. Mercado |
A priest has been removed from a northwest suburban church because of his “inappropriate relationship with an adult man.”
Archbishop Blase J. Cupich removed the Rev. Marco A. Mercado from the Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe in Des Plaines Thursday because of Mercado’s inappropriate relationship with an adult man, according to a statement from the Archdiocese of Chicago.
The Rev. Adan Sandoval Duron has been appointed interim administrator, and Mercado will move out of the shrine, according to the statement.
“The archdiocese is committed to ensuring those serving our parishioners are fit for ministry,” according to the archdiocese’s statement.
“Archbishop Cupich knows this news will be difficult to hear and he offers his assurance of prayers and solidarity with the community at the Shrine of our Lady of Guadalupe,” according to the statement.