Mobile Police: Man caught sexually violating 12-year-old at church
By Cassie Fambro
September 28, 2015
Rodderick Mitchell, 64, is accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old during church on Sunday. |
Rodderick George Mitchell of Mobile is in jail after an incident at Stone Street Baptist Church on Sunday, according to Mobile Police.
Mitchell, not a member of the church, entered the facility and asked a 12-year-old girl for a hug.
Police say that sexual abuse ensued.
Church-members immediately alerted the pastor as well as the victim's parents and Mitchell was arrested at the church.
He remains in jail charged with second degree sexual abuse.
Rodderick, 64, has a record peppered with charges including public lewdness on multiple occassions theft, drugs and public intoxication.
He has been arrested more than a dozen times.