Pope Calls for Engagement of the Laity
By Jon Hurdle
New York Times
September 26, 2015
Pope Francis addressed the congregation during Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. Photo by Cj Gunther |
Pope Francis arrived at the west door of the basilica at 10:17 and was greeted by applause and some cheers by more than 2,000 clergy members and lay Catholics who had been waiting for more than two hours in a side chapel.
He walked in a procession with other church leaders up the nave, as many clergy members took photos of him. He raised his hand to greet them.
After briefly moving to a side room, the pope reappeared wearing a miter and carrying a crucifix, accompanied by bishops.
The pope ascended to the altar and kissed a white-covered table before unsteadily descending several steps, held on both sides by church officials.
Speaking in heavily accented English, Francis gave a blessing, and then delivered his homily in Spanish, pausing regularly for an English interpreter.
He called for a “much more active engagement on the part of the laity.”
“I encourage you to be renewed by the joy of that first encounter with Jesus,” he said. “I look forward to being with you in these days.”
The congregation clapped at the end of the homily.