| Catholic Archbishop Philip Wilson Seeks Permanent Stay on Charges of Concealing Child Sexual Abuse
By David Marchese
ABC News
September 25, 2015
PHOTO: Archbishop Philip Wilson has called for a permanent stay on charges of concealing child sexual abuse. (AAP Image: Alan Porritt)
The lawyer acting for a Catholic Archbishop accused of concealing child sexual abuse is calling for a permanent stay of proceedings.
Adelaide's Archbishop Philip Wilson has previously pleaded not guilty to concealing the serious indictable offence of another person.
The charge relates to when Wilson was an assistant parish priest in East Maitland in the 1970s and worked with paedophile priest James Fletcher.
Wilson's lawyer Simon Buchen today sought a permanent stay of proceedings.
He also told Newcastle Local Court he would be filing an application seeking a court attendance notice be quashed.
The magistrate has set a date for a one-day hearing in December to hear the legal argument from both sides, with no witnesses to be called.
Peter Gogarty, a victim of Fletcher but who is not a witness in the proceedings involving Archbishop Wilson, said he was disappointed that Wilson had asked for a stay.
"I suppose disappointment firstly, but it is not unexpected I suppose that the Archbishop would try to have this matter stayed or thrown out of court," he said.
"A permanent stay of proceedings will just leave lingering questions about what the Archbishop did know and when he knew it.
"I think the only way for everyone to be satisfied that this matter has been resolved is for the matter to be heard."
Mr Gogarty said he hoped the magistrate would decide to proceed with the matter.