| Man Who's Protested Vatican Embassy since 1998 Is Unmoved by Papal Visit
By Arthur Delaney
Huffington Post
September 22, 2015
Scott J. Ferrell Via Getty Images
John Wojnowski has been protesting sexual abuse by Catholic priests outside the Vatican embassy every day for the past 17 years -- undaunted by rain, snow or a slate of health problems.
The Huffington Post asked Wojnowski Monday if he hopes Pope Francis sees his sign when the pontiff visits the embassy on Tuesday.
"I don't care," he said, confident his message is getting across regardless of whether the pope sees it. "At the embassy, they know."
Wojnowksi, 72, says an Italian priest molested him when he was 15. Since 1998, he has held up signs outside the building proclaiming " CATHOLICS COWARDS" or "VATICAN HIDES PEDOPHILES" or "MY LIFE WAS RUINED BY A CATHOLIC PEDOPHILE PRIEST. "
"It's a very terrible crime with lifetime damage," Wojnowski said of the sexual abuse. "Many people [who are victims] become alcoholics, drug addicts, many people commit suicide."
As for Pope Francis, Wojnowski had kind words.
"He seems to be much better than the previous one," he said, referring to Pope Benedict. "I'll be there regardless. I feel very strongly about it."