Survivors of Clergy Abuse Call for Bishops Resignation

By Brett Hall
CNY Central
September 15, 2015

[with video]

The Roman Catholic bishop of Syracuse spent part of the weekend apologizing for comments he made in 2011 about clergy abuse victims.

In a sworn deposition, Bishop Robert Cunningham suggested molestation victims who were abused by priests are partly to blame for what happened to them.

The Syracuse diocese then issued a statement from the bishop saying his words gave the wrong impression and now some survivors of abuse are calling for Cunningham to step down from his post as leader of central New York's Catholics.

In the 2011 deposition, Cunningham gave sworn testimony that said in part:

"Well, I mean, without knowing the circumstances completely, did the boy encourage, go along with (it) in any way?"

Later Cunningham said "I would not, obviously, what the priest did was wrong. You're asking me if the young man had any culpability, and I can't judge that," said the bishop.

On Sunday, after news of the 2011 deposition broke, the bishop issued a statement on the website of the Syracuse diocese that said, "It is obvious that my choice of words should have been better. "No child is responsible for being abused. A priest or any other adult who abuses a child is wrong."

Daniell Cummings, the Director of Communications for the Syracuse Diocese, spoke on the bishops behalf on when CNY Central reached out for additional comment.

"Part of making wrong decisions in the past is feeling the pain of today," said Cummings. "All we can do is improve what we've done and we have- and when there is a misstep or something that gives the wrong impression or the wrong statement is made for the moment. I think it's ok to as a human being to say 'I didn't mean to say it that way."

Cummings added that we would have heard from the bishop himself but he's in Washington D.C.

Survivors of clergy abuse and their supporters, Monday night at a "community meeting" held at Craftmans Inn in Fayetteville.

"It's Disgusting," said Kevin Braney about Cunningham's deposition comments "He knows my story."

Braney is a Survivor of clergy sexual abuse. Braney, said that Monsignor Charles Eckermann raped him more than a dozen times in a basement storage room at St. Ann's church in Manlius when he was a teenager.

In October 2014 the Vatican confirmed the findings credible. Eckermann was removed from ministry in April 2014.

"What Charlie (Bailey (another childhood sexual abuse survivor)) and I are gonna talk about tonight is horrific," said Braney.

Nearly a hundred people gathered in the room to hear the many emotional moments of Braney's story.

"I am beyond an apology at this point," said Braney, when asked what he wants from the Syracuse.

He said he and Bailey want Bishop Cunningham to release and to publish online the names of all priests he is aware of that are predators. Braney said he has asked several times and to no avail.

"Not only am I not being treated fairly, I am greatly concerned about our community," said Braney "People have a right to know who those people ar, .God forbid anyone else is harmed."

If Cunningham won't comply, Braney and Bailey want him out. Those who came to the meeting signed a petition in agreement.

The meeting was scheduled prior to the bishop's 2011 deposition comments coming to light.

Braney and Bailey have started an online petition that can be found here.


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