A parish priest in Perth has been suspended and police called in over historical abuse allegation
By Marion Scott
Daily Record
September 13, 2015
Father Tom Shields |
Bishop Stephen Robson |
A PARISH priest has been suspended over abuse allegations.
Father Tom Shields has been ordered to stand down from his duties while police probe the claims.
The Catholic Church called in police after the allegations emerged against Shields, the priest at St John the Baptist church in Perth.
Church authorities say they found no evidence of any crime but the priest remains under suspension.
A spokesman for the Diocese of Dunkeld said: “Following a historical allegation against Father Tom Shields, he has been temporarily removed from his parish of St John’s, Perth and from his diocesan duties while national safeguarding protocols are followed.
“The complaint has been referred to the police and the situation is being reviewed.”
One churchgoer at St John’s said: “We were told by the priest who was standing in that Father Tom would not be returning for the foreseeable future.
“He said that there had been allegations of historical abuse and they were being
“Father Tom been associated with the community for years and we’ve always found him to be a very sociable man so this news is pretty upsetting.
“However, the Church must act appropriately and look at these claims fully. I’m hoping they keep us all informed,
“Father Tom has been a trusted and well-liked member of our community for many years.”
Shields, who is also chaplain responsible for two primary schools, Kilgraston in Bridge of Earn, and St Stephen’s in Blairgowrie, was not available for comment yesterday.
The police said: “Inquiries were carried out following the receipt of information. No complaint has been received.
“Any victim of abuse can come forward in confidence, knowing we will listen and investigate thoroughly.”
Last year, Bishop of Dunkeld, Stephen Robson appointed Shields to head up the church’s youth formation programme and to help with religious education in schools.
Bishop Robson said just days ago the Church must be transparent about abuse issues.
He said: “Learning from our shortcomings, omissions and ineffectiveness will be a painful exercise for the Church.
“But learn we must. We must be transparent and accountable for our mistakes and, yes, incompetence in the past.”
Officlal abuse and safeguarding protocols for the church include contacting the police and social work when a child or young person is at risk of immediate harm, seeking medical help if necessary.