Rabbi Telsner stands down from Yeshivah
By Joshua Levi
Australian Jewish News
September 1, 2015
Rabbi Zvi Telsner. |
RABBI Zvi Hirsch Telsner has stood down, effective immediately, as the senior rabbi of the Yeshivah Centre in Melbourne.
In a letter to the community tonight Rabbi Telsner told the community he endorses Yeshivah Centre’s “values, policies and message of continued support and compassion for victims of Child Sexual Abuse, their families and all of the community”.
He said that Elul is a time to reflect on ones values and behaviours as we prepare to herald in the New Year.
“I recognise that my conduct towards victims and their families did not demonstrate these values or behaviour to the extent necessary of a Rabbi in my position,” Rabbi Telsner said.
“Accordingly, I have decided to stand down from my position as Rabbi at the Yeshivah Centre, effective immediately.”
He said that everyone must be aware of how words and actions can impact others and apologised for his conduct.
“(I) urge everyone to show compassion and support towards victims and their families throughout the moised and broader community.”
Yeshivah Centre’s Interim Committee of Management released a statement at the same time saying that Rabbi Telsner notified them of his decision.
“This follows a recent event in which such values or behaviour to the extent required of a Rabbi in his position were not demonstrated.
“We support his decision and immediate resolve.”
“In Rabbi Telsner’s letter to the community he apologises for his past conduct and urges everyone to show compassion and support towards victims and their families throughout the moised and broader community.”
To read more about the recent incident that led to his departure and reactions from the community and victims, see Thursday’s edition of The AJN.