Nedlands boys’ home to be examined at child sex abuse Royal Commission
August 25, 2015
A former Perth boys’ home will be one of several Salvation Army-run institutions that will be examined in the latest hearing by the Royal Commission into child sex abuse. |
A PUBLIC Royal Commission hearing in October to examine the Salvation Army’s response to child sex abuse allegations at its institutions will include a former WA boys’ home.
The hearing, starting on October 6 in Adelaide, will look into the experiences of former child residents between 1940 and 1990 at The Salvation Army Boys’ Home in Nedlands — also known as Hollywood Children’s Village — as well as the Eden Park Boys’ Home in South Australia and Victoria’s Box Hills Boys’ Home and Bayswater Boys’ Home.
The scope of the hearing into the organisation’s institutions in the southern territory will include the Salvation Army’s response to child sex abuse allegations and its past and current policies in dealing with these matters.
People or groups who believe they have a direct or substantial interest in the hearing can lodge written applications for leave to appear by September 18.
The form can be found at and sent to or GPO Box 5283, Sydney, NSW, 2001.
The Salvation Army Boys’ Home opened in 1918 and it changed its name to Hollywood Children’s Village in 1965 before closing its doors in 1994.
Originally published as Nedlands boys’ home under spotlight