No. 2 leader at St. John's Abbey steps aside on abuse claim
August 20, 2015
St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, MN. |
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - St. John's Abbey says its No. 2 leader, the Rev. Tom Andert, has stepped aside because of an allegation of sexual misconduct involving a former student at Saint John's Preparatory School.
The abbey's spokesman, the Rev. Aelred Senna, tells Minnesota Public Radio that Andert will "step back from public ministry and from his work until an investigation is completed."
Andert declined to comment.
Senna says the decision to remove Andert came in response to a letter sent earlier this month by a former student at Saint John's Prep. He says the letter alleged sexual misconduct by Andert more than three decades ago but contained very few details.
Senna declined to provide further details on the complaint. He said he didn't know if the abbey reported it to law enforcement.