L.A. Parker: Subway ex-spokesman Jared Fogle shadows shamed Philadelphia priests
By L.a. Parker
August 19, 2015
Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle leaves the Federal Courthouse in Indianapolis, Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2015 following a hearing on child-pornography charges. Fogle agreed to plead guilty to allegations that he paid for sex acts with minors and received child pornography in a case that destroyed his career at the sandwich-shop chain and could send him to prison for more than a decade. |
Former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle intends to plead guilty to possession of child pornography charges and sexual solicitation of minors, a confession that gained national and world attention.
News outlets plastered Fogle’s face across flat screen televisions and printed pages as the man known for a sandwich diet that helped him drop hundreds of pounds, made a deal with the feds.
A document released by prosecutors in Indianapolis accused Fogle of trolling for underaged female sex partners in New York City, plus, other incidents that tied him to child porn videos and photos.
The Fogle admission connected to a September arrival of Pope Francis as he attends the World Meeting of Families. Yeah, we all get pissed off with guys like the former Subway guy but a long list of Catholic priests have violated hundreds if not thousands of victims.
If Pope Francis visits Philadelphia without a major apology available to all Catholic church related victims of sexual abuse and their families, especially those affected by clergy members of the Philadelphia Archdiocese, then his Holiness should stay home.
Victims and relatives deserve a private meeting with Pope Francis before his Holiness voices an apology in front of a world audience. If Jared Fogle gets exposed for his wrong doing then priests must face similar social reactions.
A 2011 Grand Jury report identified a victim referenced as “Billy”, a 10-year-old boy trapped by wild-eyed sexual priest predators.
“Billy was a 10-year-old altar boy in the fifth grade at St. Jerome School in Philadelphia,” the report noted.
“While alone with him in the sacristy, (a priest) began to show Billy pornographic magazines. Eventually the priest directed Billy to take off his clothes.”
The priest performed oral sex on the boy then engaged in other despicable behavior. Eventually, the priest passed Billy off to other religious peers who had their way with this boy.
Whether one reads from the 2005 grand jury report or 2011 followup on sexual abuse in the Philadelphia Diocese, interactions between priests and victims jampacks both documents with filth and unfathomable behavior from men entrusted with leading people toward God.
Understandably, “Billy” withdrew and sought refuge from marijuana, pills and heroin. Doctors could never understand why he frequently gagged and vomited.
Those reactions sound reasonable when placed next to the constant rapes and others assaults that continued through adolescent years. The sleepovers that started with tickling and touching, ended with some sex-crazed priest in, around or atop another boy victim.
Jared Fogle deserves serious time in prison but a similar determination should have placed hundreds of U.S. priests behind bars. Instead, wayward priests, rapists, were shielded by people like Philadelphia Catholic Msgr. William J. Lynn.
A landmark case convicted Lynn in June 2012 of child endangerment. The court levied a 3 to 6 year sentence before a Pennsylvania appeals court overturned the criminal conviction.
In April 2015, a Pennsylvania Supreme Court reinstated the conviction. Pope Francis arrives in Philadelphia as the Lynn scandal declines. Still, it’s difficult to imagine the Pontiff can stand in this God forsaken city and act as if hundreds of horrid abuses never occurred.
Certainly, other religions encounter sexual abuses but nothing like the Philadelphia Diocese and certainly not as prolific as this national pandemic.
BishopAccountability.org notes that the website “does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty or a crime or liable for civil claims.”
However, Holy Smoley. A simple search for accusations against priests whose names begin with the letter ‘F’, delivered 182 priests printed onto 49 pages.
While we curse Jared Fogle and his fall from grace then let’s turn our attention to Pope Francis, his Philadelphia visit, and the sins of fathers and priests who cast congregants into living hell.
Real healing begins with an official Pope Francis apology that includes condemnation of those engaged in these abuses.
Furthermore, many priests should follow Jared Fogle into prison. They deserve similar prosecution and persecution for decades of assaults that resulted in the death of spirit and an exodus of souls from God’s love.
Contact: laparker@trentonian.com