Spanish Church Silenced the Case of a Missing Priest
Prensa Latina
August 12, 2015
Madrid, Aug 12 (Prensa Latina) The Church conceals information about the disappearance of Spanish religious Antonio Llidó in October 1974 in Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, today unveiled the online journal Publico. The source says the Spanish Episcopal Conference and the Archbishop of Valencia refused to release the documents related to the case of the priest, one of the victims of the recently deceased Chilean general Manuel Contreras.
He adds that when the historian Mario Amoros (author of Antonio Llidó, a revolutionary priest, published in 2007) wanted to get the documents, the Archbishop said that should take 50 years to release those files.
When it was requested to the Spanish Episcopal Conference Amorós was informed that the access time is 100 years, according to journalist Danilo Albin, author of the research.
The religious traveled to Chile to work in impoverished areas where Christians founded the group for Socialism, was kidnapped by agents of the National Intelligence Directorate commanded by Contreras and his body was never found.
As far as is known he was first tortured in the concentration camp called José Domingo Cañas and then taken to Cuatro Alamos, another detention center, where he was seen by some survivors.
In his book, the historian collects Amoros testimony given in June 2003 before the Chilean courts by the Lutheran Bishop Helmut Frenz, who met with Pinochet to claim for the life of Llidó.
'That's not a cure, it is a terrorist, a Marxist; you have to torture him, because otherwise they do not sing', replied the dictator November 13, 1974, according to the release.
The religious sister, Josefa Llidó explained Publico that in addition to hide the documents related to the case, the Archbishop of Valencia never paid any tribute or recognition to the religious victims of the Chilean dictatorship.