| Pedophile Ring of British Elites Rivals That of Catholic Priests?!
By Anthony L Hall
Caribbean News Now!
August 7, 2015
Here, in part, is how I commented on reports that Jimmy Savile, the British Dick Clark, was a serial child sexual abuser:
All of England is still reeling with shock and indignation at recent revelations that Sir Jimmy Savile was a predatory pedophile (and an alleged necrophiliac). Savile was the nationally beloved host of a number of BBC programs, including the very popular and long-running Top of the Pops. But reports are that he sexually abused hundreds of young girls (and boys) throughout his 40-year career…
Far more troubling, though, was a report on Monday by Panorama, the BBC’s own critically acclaimed current affairs program, which left no doubt that Savile was part of a pedophile ring that included other stars as well as top executives at the BBC — some of whom may still be on the job … and still preying on children.
(“The BBC’s Penn-State Problem,” The iPINIONS Journal, October 24, 2012)
Remarkably, the British media had been reporting on this pedophile ring for years to no effect.
But, as indicated, reports that it included (and may still include) celebrated stars like Savile sent shockwaves throughout England. Reports now that it also included (and may still include) respected politicians like former Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath have left the country in complete shock and dismay:
Five police forces are investigating claims of historical child sexual abuse involving former PM Sir Edward Heath [including a claim that he raped a 12-year-old boy in the 1960s]…
The BBC understands Wiltshire Police halted an inquiry into a brothel keeper in the 1990s after she said Sir Edward was involved in child sexual abuse...
The IPCC said on Monday that it would look at whether Wiltshire officers failed to pursue allegations of child abuse made against Sir Edward, who was Conservative prime minister from 1970 to 1974.
(BBC, August 4, 2015)
British authorities are clearly making much ado about these investigations. But I am constrained to wonder if they too were not at least complicit in covering up Heath’s pedophile crimes while he was still alive.
Anthony L. Hall is a Bahamian who descends from the Turks and Caicos Islands. He is an international lawyer and political consultant - headquartered in Washington DC - who also publishes a current events weblog, The iPINIONS Journal, at
He died of pneumonia at his home in 2005, having avoided even a hint of scandal, let alone prosecution. He was 89. (Savile was equally protected, and also went to his grave in 2011 without being held to account. He was 85.)
Frankly, I’m not sure what British authorities hope to achieve by appealing to "dozens" of alleged victims to come forward. Perhaps they’re trying to assuage their institutional guilt by helping claimants discover evidence to sue Heath's estate for monetary damages.
But I suspect no amount of money can compensate for allowing him to get away scot-free. Think, by contrast, of the many victims of pedophile priests who have been able to see their abusers fall from grace in recent years; notwithstanding that, in far too many cases, the Church paid for the crime, and the priest did no time.
Not to mention that Heath’s accusers might have to outnumber Bill Cosby’s before most Britons begin believing their stories….
All the same, something remains truly rotten in the state of England. It stems from a perversely hallowed tradition of sexual hazing among the former “public" schoolboys who have dominated British politics for centuries.
This is why nobody should be surprised that they turned the seat of government into a parliament of sexual deviants (like the bra-wearing, coke-snorting, whore-shagging Lord Sewel I wrote about just last week); or that the British establishment has covered up the crimes of as many pedophile politicians over the years as the Catholic Church has of pedophile priests.
Another case in point:
For nearly two decades, the man known as ‘Big Cyril’ waddled about the United Kingdom’s parliament, all bombast and waggling fingers…
He also, according to hundreds of allegations since his 2010 death, was a pedophile of historic proportions.
That fact was one of many in a dossier prepared 30 years ago by a crusading member of Parliament who warned of a powerful pedophile ring of ‘big, big names.’
(The Washington Post, July 7, 2014)
Accordingly, the five police forces now investigating allegations against Heath would do well to divert some of their efforts towards apprehending members of this pedophile ring who can still be held to account.