Newcastle Anglican diocese committed to changing 'culture of fear'
ABC News
August 5, 2015
Newcastle's Anglican Bishop Greg Thompson has received support from Australia and abroad, in the wake of his apology. |
Newcastle's Anglican Bishop Greg Thompson says he is preparing for the harsh realities that a royal commission probe into the diocese may bring.
In June this year Bishop Thompson apologised for the church's handling of abuse, noting there had been a culture of intimidation and fear.
Bishop Thompson also confirmed that the church has paid more than $4 million to abuse survivors so far.
A police strike force is currently investigating the diocese and Bishop Thompson said the royal commission is due to hold hearings in 2016.
"There's no accommodation any more for criminal behaviour," he said.
"So we are preparing our house, we're preparing for the harsh realities of the failures of care for children and vulnerable people in the past.
"We're preparing our stories that will come through the royal commission."
Bishop Thompson said he had received support from Australia and abroad, in the wake of his apology.
"I've had survivors write to me from overseas who had experienced abuse in the diocese.
"I have had counsellors working with people who are trying to come to terms with their abuse experiences and I have had everyday people write to me and thank me for what I was doing and churches have come forward writing petitions of support."
He said he has no doubt many people are still struggling to come to grips with the diocese's past history of child sexual abuse.
"There's been a strong groundswell of the process of facing the past and shaping a healthy future.
"I think everyone is pausing to consider the implications of what I have said.
"I am sure there are people still of the belief that these things didn't really happen and that's about culture change and cultures can't be changed overnight."