Abuse victims angry as site of George Pell royal commission hearing is moved
By Melissa Davey
August 5, 2015
Cardinal George Pell at the Voice of the Family meeting in Rome in May. |
Victims of child sexual abuse are outraged that Cardinal George Pell will appear before the royal commission into institutional response into child sex abuse in Melbourne, rather than in the regional town of Ballarat.
Pell had been due to give evidence to the commission at the second stage of the Ballarat hearings in November. However, last week the commission said the hearings would be held in Melbourne’s county court, citing logistical issues and a high level of public interest.
Stephen Woods – who was abused by the notorious pedophile priest Gerald Francis Ridsdale and the convicted pedophile brother Robert Charles Best while a student at St Alipius primary school – said he and many Ballarat victims were deeply upset by the decision and claimed there was a different interpretation of the reason for the change of venue.
“We feel Pell should apologise to the people of Ballarat and western Victoria for the previous cover-ups and ongoing cover-ups of the church,” Woods told Guardian Australia.
“Clearly he fears coming to Ballarat. But this community needs healing. He should front up to them, in their community where the assaults and the cover-ups happened.”
The hearings are examining child sexual abuse by the Catholic clergy within Ballarat institutions. In the first round of hearings, in May, the commission heard allegations that Pell tried to bribe child sex abuse victim David Ridsdale, who is the nephew and victim of Gerald Francis Ridsdale.
Before the Ballarat town hall, the commission also heard evidence which suggested Pell was involved in the decision to move Ridsdale between parishes once the abuse came to light, including parishes in Mildura, Swan Hill, Warrnambool, Apollo Bay, Ballarat and Mortlake.
After the evidence, Pell confirmed to the royal commission he would fly from Italy to Australia to attend the November Ballarat hearings, and said he was horrified by the allegations against him. He has previously appeared before the commission via video link.
Pell is Australia’s most senior Catholic, and is the Vatican’s secretary for the economy in Rome.
Woods said he believed the hearings had been moved because of concerns for Pell’s safety. However, Victoria police media and Ballarat police superintendent Andrew Allen both denied this.
“The decision to hold the second stage of public hearings in Melbourne was made entirely by the royal commission,” Victoria police said. “Victoria police’s advice was neither sought nor provided.”
A spokesman for the royal commission said all the Ballarat hearings had been moved to Melbourne – not just Pell’s evidence – and that the commission would not be making any further comment.
Ballarat’s mayor, John Phillips, said he agreed with victims who wanted Pell’s evidence to be heard in Ballarat. “He should be judged in front of his peers,” Phillips said.
“We can make a space here at the city town hall to assist in any overflow if more space is needed. A few victims’ groups have approached me saying they are upset by this decision, and from our perspective it’s a terrible thing that’s happened and we feel extremely for those that have been affected.”
Contact: melissa.davey@theguardian.com