Pastor Masocha Dipped His Hand Into My Underwear Saying He Wanted To Remove Demons, Girl Speaks Out
July 27, 2015
Disgraced, convicted child abuser Bishop Walter Masocha has met further embarrassment after a teenage victim spoke out saying he once dipped his hands into her underwear.
Princess Chiferere according to the Scottish Recorder was just 13 when Masocha began grooming her at Agape for All Nations church in Stirling before molesting her.
The comments came after GirlChild Network founder Betty Makoni called for a review of Masocha’s sentence saying there are even more victims in Zimbabwe in addition to the British ones. Masocha was sentenced to a little over 200 community service hours and put onto the sex offenders register for a year meaning he can now freely preach at his church cult. Makoni told,
“What Masocha did to church members is not new at all. In Zimbabwe he raped two girls closely related to his wife. Those have not healed up to now. The (so called) public humiĺiation he suffered cannot compare to what his victims went through. His name is linked to serious historical child sexual abuse.
“There has not been consideration of what victims suffered.We call the UK justice system to review this serious case of child abuse. Child abusers should be aware of serious consequences those they abuse suffer.
“I think the social workers did not reach out to many people in the Zimbabwean community to validate their report. His victims have been bullied and suffered psychological trauma as a result of blacklash from church members loyal to Masocha. This is a case of public debate now; So if an abuser is shamed that’s equivalent to jail term? To be honest this lenient sentence triavialises such a heinous crime,” said Makoni.
She said her organisation is filing an official complaint. “We will officially submit a public complaint on the judgement. Church leaders are entrusted to vulnerable people and they are held in high regard to help people. Masocha betrayed his followers’ trust. He must face stiff punishment. Being shamed by the public is normal reaction but is never punishment. How so sad for even his many silenced victims,” she said.
“You’re mine.”
Meanwhile the Scottish paper was told Masocha singled out the youngster and sent her a series of texts saying he loved her. In one chilling message, he told her: “You’re mine.”
And she told how the preacher assaulted her by putting his hand down her pants and telling her he was exorcising demons.
Princess, now 17, has waived her right to anonymity to tell how she’s suffered since standing up to Masocha, who was called Daddy by women in his church .
He also warned her to stay away from boys her own age and said: “I’ll release you when you are 18.”
Text messages from him, which started when Princess was just 13, became more frequent.
She said: “He would text me saying he loved me or couldn’t wait to see me. I always replied because, at that point, to get a text message from him was like ‘Wow’.
“I got these text messages every night. He told me not to show my mum because it would make her jealous. And later he asked me to delete them.
“He always texted me saying, ‘You’re mine’ and he would tell me that all the time in person too.”
“I just froze when he put his hand down my trousers. I was so confused. I felt uncomfortable and weird.
“It continued for about two minutes, then he walked out of the room.
“It played on my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened.
“That was when I knew he had crossed the line.
“I decided to text him when I got home and ask him why he had done it. I thought I was in the wrong – I just didn’t know what I had done. It went round and round in my head.”
When she returned to the house to see Masocha, he made threats against her family if she told anyone what had happened.
Princess added: “He told me that he put his hand in my underwear to remove demons he had seen in me.
“He said he was pinging away things that shouldn’t be there. I didn’t know what to say.
“Before I left the room, he said to me that I couldn’t tell anyone what we had talked about – otherwise my parents would never be rich or could die. That was scary so I didn’t tell anyone.”
Things only came to light when her mum Ophelia, 43, mentioned to Princess that Masocha had sent her
a text.
Princess blurted out that he sent her messages every night.
She revealed that Masocha had insisted the messages were kept secret and later asked her to delete them.
Concerned about Masocha’s interest, Ophelia and a friend decided to take Princess to police.
The teenager said: “While it was going on, I didn’t see it as wrong.
“It was only after I said it out loud to the police and saw how it all added up that I realised properly that it was very wrong.”