| Ask Nienstedt about New Ulm
By Mike Bryant
Legal Examiner
July 20, 2015
Yesturday , I wrote about the latest story in the Nienstedt case. I asked : What is unique?
Today let’s look at what he said in the article:
The former archbishop said he’d like his legacy to be the archdiocese’s strengthened child protection protocols developed with clergy abuse victims, the hiring of excellent leadership to oversee ministerial standards, and initiatives to strengthen parishes and schools.
Today I ask: Where was this protection and work in the New Ulm Dioceses. Because before he was the archbishop in Minneapolis and St Paul, he was the Bishop in New Ulm.
Look at the history. There was no stronger programs, release of names, or real (to say nothing of excellent) leadership. Now there was no Child Victims Act that was making the Church answer to survivors. So he wasn’t forced to released lists, or to even address the questions.
If you or someone you know has a claim that involves the Archdioceses of Minneapolis and St Paul: The deadline for claims against the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, is August 3rd.
Nationally renowned priest abuse attorney Jeff Anderson’s website details instructions. There are a number of key points:
• You must file a claim by August 3rd.
• Your privacy and confidentiality can be protected.
• Filing your claim can help you and help protect children.
Please act now, because any further delay will result in loss of your right to make a claim