| Matisyahu Solomon Subpoenaed: Accused of Manipulating a Child in a Custody Case
Frum Follies
July 13, 2015
Matisyahu Solomon
Rabbi Matisyahu Solomon is accused in court papers of counseling an eleven-year-old girl to deliberately be hostile to her mother as a way of manipulating a custody dispute between her parents.
Solomon is the mashgiach (spiritual advisor) at the large Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ since 1998. Before that he was masgiach in Gateshead, England, which is where he grew up.
Papers filed in Queens County Family Court accuse Rabbi Matisyahu Solomon of “assisting” a father in “wrongful attempts to alienate the daughter… from the mother.”
The mother submitted a motion to have the court issue “an Order of Protection directing Matisyahu Solomon… from having any contact with” the daughter.” There is a hearing on the motion on Thursday, July 16, 2015. Matisyahu Solomon has been subpoenaed to appear at that hearing.
As evidence for this contention, the motion includes a transcript of a conversation the daughter had with an outside party (and attaches the actual recording file). The eleven-year-old girl said:
I went to Reb Matisyahu [Solomon]… He told me there is no way to do it without a fight… He told me you can’t think about breaking people’s heart… There is no way to do it without court… He spoke to my father and he talked to me… He [my father] knows… He told me to do this… I have to do this myself… He told me I should talk to her and not speak nicely. He told me I should stop talking nicely. I should scream and be like that.
The girl is accepting Rabbi Solomon’s advice in the hope of having custody go to the father so she can live full time in Lakewood with girls who are frummer (more stringently observant). Mind you her mother is also orthodox and the girl attends an ultra orthodox school in her mother’s neighborhood.
The facts of the case are that the parents of this one and only child divorced when the girl was an infant. The father agreed to grant the mother full physical custody with limited visitation for the father. He then moved to Lakewood, married into a local family and used his daughter’s periodic visits to plant the desire for being more religiously stringent. Rabbi Solomon worked with the father to contrive parental alienation to persuade a court that it would now be in the best interests of the girl to grant the father custody.
The mother was reluctant to publicize the case but felt she needed to stop this sort of misconduct. The mother is eager to learn of any other instances of such manipulation by Matisyahu Solomon. If you are aware of such please contact me. I will treat your identity and information confidentially. If you wish, I will pass along the information to the mother. I can be contacted in the following ways:
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