REBUTTAL: Irish Times-Paddy Agnew “Resignations reflect Pope Francis’s hard line on sex abuse cases”.
June 28, 2015
Pope Francis has not said a word on why Bishop Finn resigned and why Archbishop Nienstedt resigned. That’s strange. No explanation from the innate loquacious Jesuit Master of Deceits on the exact reasons why the most infamous bishops resigned under his short-term papacy. The truth is Pope Francis is not a reformer but a conformist, a chameleon and a puppet who does not have any “hard lines” but only PR campaigns –– obeying his boss the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team and their cunning strategies –– to save the Vatican Empire that’s crumbling down like the Roman Empire. Everything Pope Francis does is only to damage control the odious reputation of the Vatican Roman Catholic Church caused by its bestial JP2 Army in the half the 20th century. The John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army is named aptly after the pope Francis hastily canonized was the first condition for him to be elected pope. And he is the Jesuit janitor elected to clean up the mess of the Vatican Titanic John Paul II left behind.
All roads lead to Rome aka the Vatican. All roads of the JP2 Army lead to the Vatican. All bishops who covered-it up lead to the Vatican. And the two evil Achilles Heels of Saint (Satanas) John Paul II stench from the depths of Hell even as far as Australia where we learned today that the most notorious pedophile priest confessed to having sexually abused more than 200 children. But the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses at the Vatican – covered-up by Pope Francis and his Vatican Circus acts (that surpass Cirque de Soleil) which makes idiots Americans Catholics feel-good especially when fed with their Eucharist magical food – Made by Pope Francis, Made by Bishops, and Made by RCC priests.
This title and article “Resignations reflect Pope Francis’s hard line on sex abuse cases” by Paddy Agnew in the Irish Times is one of the most deceptive ever and is typical of all Vatican Pied Pipers who are giving credits to Pope Francis when he deserves none at all. The fact is, Pope Francis had nothing to do with the bishops’ resignation. He protected the former papal nuncio from the Dominican Republic and took him quietly to the Vatican before police can catch him in the airport. The resignation of Nienstedt was long overdue and had to happen and should have been done months ago. And for Finn it was overdue years ago –– just like Benedict XVI-RATzinger had to resign to save whatever remnant is left in the Vatican Empire aka Vatican Titanic sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy.
It is the other way around. The hard lines should be attributed to the secular lawyers, the victims and the civil courts of law such as the Ramsey Country Office of Attorney that’s charging criminally the entire archdiocese – which are causing bishops to resign. But they resign – not because of bishops’ accountability – rather as a PR chameleon strategy. They resign to disappear as chameleons to avoid getting caught and to divert attention away from the criminal charges especially with the bankrupt archdiocese Archbishop Nientadt left behind.
Pope Francis has no choice but to – passively – accept their resignation – and he is completely mute and does not even say a word on why he is accepting their resignations. He leaves it to the highly paid Vatican Pied Pipers (like Paddy Agnew) to speak and explain on his papal behalf and on those bishops’ behalf ––– and to media spin idiots Catholics and feed them with feel-good tabloid speculation on whether it was their personal decisions to resign or it was the fabricated “hard line” request of Pope Francis.
The Irish Times and Paddy Agnew must have sold their souls to the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team because they are really trying hard to brainwash and sway the Irish Catholics who recently voted for same-sex marriage – thus defying Pope Francis’ infallibility and his Roman Catholic edicts that all sex are sins except those in the act of procreation between a husband and wife legally married in the Catholic Church.
So much for sex-obsession by the Vatican and yet it has covered-up the most heinous bestial pedophile sex of the JP2 Army for over half a century and then Pope Francis canonized speedily the pope who said nothing and did nothing with the longest papacy ever. The popes as usual targets the laity and oppress them – especially women as they forbid them to use contraceptives and abortion – while there are sexual orgies of the Gay Lobby at the Vatican and 90% of priests are actively gays – because the priesthood is the surest way to find gays partners as it is the most exclusive boys club on earth. Read our related article, No need to be priests today
Vatican Pied Pipers have usurped the name “Bishops Accountability” from the decade-old website called in Boston that has been painstakingly gathering thousands of documents on all pedophile priests and all bishops who covered-them up in the USA and in the world. Pied Pipers are deceiving readers by using these two words because the truth and fact is, there’s still very little accountability on the part of Pope Francis and bishops. They are merely hanging on to old medieval traditions of the Eucharist as the “Healing Mass” – to magically make victims, lawyers, and idiots Catholics forgive-and-forget the heinous bestial JP2 Army that has tied giant millstones all around the Vatican Titanic and caused it to sunk deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy.
The Vatican Empire is crumbling down like the Roman Empire and its hundreds of churches are shutting down and being sold to the highest bidders. Pharaoh Pope Francis and his princes of the church bishops and cardinals are sinking in the ocean like the army of Pharaoh in the Exodus in the Old Testament. This is the exodus of mullions of Catholics in the New Testament in the 21st century – being freed from the slavery of the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast and Mythology of the Eucharist. Read our articles about --- the Catholic Exodus,
Pope Francis cannot replicate Angel Gabriel in the Annunciation because he has no womb to bear a baby & his mouth cannot reproduce Christ’s flesh