| Shame on Patrick J, Wall, Jeff Anderson & Associates for Making John Paul II Speak on Behalf of Victims of His Own Bestial Pedophile Priests
By Paris Arrow
June 24, 2015
Circa 2003 when John Paul II refused to hear about pedophile priests and he promoted
Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston to Rome.
Now that John Paul II is a saint, he is venerated with his first-class relics in every altar in all Catholic churches and he is prayed to in the daily canon of the Eucharistic Mass (and daily rosary). But it is quite an irony that the more he is invoked upon and his writings are quoted as the official version of the word of God -- the effects are quite alarming -- in that they repel Catholics and jolt churches. More and more, millions of Catholics are abandoning hundreds of churches especially in the USA as it has already happened in Europe. Recently Cardinal Dolan announced the closure and sale of more than 150 churches in New York. This unstoppable Exodus of Catholics is reminiscent of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt but the Pharaohs here are Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI-RATzinger and Pope Francis with their army of JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army, Opus Dei members and Jesuits Masters of Deceits.
The Red Sea of Roman Catholics is not quite physically as dramatic as those of the Israelites with the water parting in the Bible and in Cecile de Milles’ movie of The Ten Commandments. This time, the 21st century Red Sea parting of Roman Catholics from the Vatican -- is rather quiet -- (with little press coverage because the MSM is owned by the Vatican Empire) -- for all they do is take their car and go attend Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Born-Again churches where they really like it -- because now, they can go directly to Jesus Christ and not via his impostors of popes and priests -- and not via the sacraments of confession and the Eucharist which were the tools and weapons of the heinous JP2 Army.
Saint John Paul II the Great left his eternal legacy of the hidden JP2 Army – a.k.a. the San Juan Pablo Faults (like the San Andreas Faults) – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army – named aptly after him who said nothing and did nothing for 27 years as the longest reigning pope in his globetrotting narcissistic papacy. The JP2 Army heinously sexually abused hundreds of thousands of little boys (and girls) worldwide for over half the 20th century and dawn of 21st century. But it is not the secretive Vatican Empire that’s revealing them; it is always the secular courts of law, or the governments’ official inquiry such as the Royal Commission in Australia which is happening today.
The San Juan Pablo Faults is worse than the effects of San Andreas earthquakes in California where places and houses can be rebuilt such as those nice houses in San Francisco. The devastation left behind by the earthquakes of the San Juan Pablo Faults are hundreds of Catholic churches which can never be rebuilt – – because those churches are sold and gone forever as sacred places of prayer. If the Catholics church wants them back, they would have to re-buy them and at a higher price than what they sold them for, and that means Roman Catholics would need to donate more to Sunday’s coffers.
Idiots Americans Catholics who will welcome Roman Emperor Pope Francis should realize that the exodus of millions of Roman Catholics and the closure of hundreds of churches that will never be reopened again -- is catastrophic for the Vatican Empire – and worse than the Pharaohs empire demise in the Israelites Exodus from Egypt.
John Paul II the Great aka San Juan Pablo Faults earthquakes are now being felt as far as Australia where today it was reveled that his Australian pedophile priests’ poster boy, Brendan Smyth sexually abused more than 200 little boys and girls between two far-away continents of Australia and Europe . Indeed, it’s amazing what the Catholic tradition of priestly title of “Reverend Father” and Eucharistic powers of priests can do to control and bestially sexually control and abused little boys and girls for decades. The Eucharist and Catholic traditions have been the tools of the Devil as he is reincarnated in popes as Angels-in-white which we now see with Pope Francis more than ever.
SHAME on Patrick J, Wall, Jeff Anderson & Associates for making John Paul II speak on behalf of victims of JP2 Army - heinous bestial pedophile priests
The Roman Catholic Church in the USA has paid almost 3 billion dollars in compensation to victims of clergy sexual abuse -- known to us as JP2 Army - John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. If lawyers pocketed half of that, it would amount to 1.5 billion dollars. If a third, that would amount to 1 billion dollars. If 10%, 300 million dollars. Jeff Anderson & Associates may have been bringing victims’ cases to court and helping them seek some justice but they have also been heftily rewarded and paid. But now that almost all the cases are done, they are shifting their efforts to the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast for more money. Here’s how, by propagating the newest false saint John Paul II – so cunningly as in today in their article “How Many?” no one probably notice its snake subtlety.
So idiots Americans Catholics are also found in the lawyers and writers – in law firms as those of famous Jeff Anderson & Associates that have amassed tens of millions of dollars from victims of the JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in the USA.
Today the law firm published an article written by Patrick J. Wall entitled “How Many? which included this paragraph that cunningly joins John Paul II with the victims and the Grand Jury – a strategic prose that specially makes “saint” John Paul II speak on behalf of the type of suffering victims endured from his very own JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army. This literal strategy is tantamount to making Hitler speak on behalf of the pains of victims of his Holocaust. This is exactly what the Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team and Pope Francis have hoped for by canonizing speedily John Paul II.
“The thousands of survivors and their families who daily endure the repercussions of child sexual abuse by their Pastors, what Saint Pope John Paul the Great called a great scare upon the soul, need an avenue of redress. The Grand Jury Report points out the obvious, that the statute of limitations and the doctrine of ex post facto defend those responsible for these heinous crimes against our children.”
SHAME on the law firm of Jeff Anderson & Associates that has published this article by Patrick J. Wall to cite false saint John Paul II making the latter as a saintly spokesperson for the same victims he refused to defend and protect in his 27 years longest papacy. Wall cunningly wrote “The thousands of survivors and their families who daily endure the repercussions of child sexual abuse by their Pastors, what Saint Pope John Paul the Great called a great scare upon the soul, need an avenue of redress”. What a clever way to start including John Paul II in the dialogues and reports of his victims especially now that pedophile priest Brendan Smyth his notorious poster boy of his JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army in Australia is revealed today that he may have had more than 200 victims. John Paul II had hundreds of thousands of victims because each pedophile priests had potentially sexually abused and ruined the lives of more than 200 boys.
Patrick Wall should not be citing the most cold-hearted and indifferent John Paul II who had more than 27 years to do something to stop his JP2 Army named aptly after him – but he said nothing and did nothing to stop pedophile priests. Just look at the k80 pedophile priests Cardinal Bernard Law aided and abetted in Boston. John Paul II did not bother to speak with them or their victims in his last World Youth Day in Toronto, an hour’s flight to Boston.
Read our related article, The 9/11 Decade and the JP2 Millstone 9th anniversary of Paris Arrow's vision of the death of John Paul II at the World Youth Day
Patrick J. Wall is one of the most stupid idiot Catholics to be invoking John Paul II whose two evil Achilles Heels stench filthier every day even as far as Australia.
Patrick J. Wall is one of the most stupid idiot Catholics to be calling Brendan Smyth as “Father” -- when the fact is for 40 years he was a heinous bestial priest who has admitted to having sexually abused more than 200 children in 2 continents. Wall should know that Brendan Smyth is not a father but an evil sex maniac and criminal in 3 countries. Therefore Patrick Wall is propagasting stupid Catholic traditions by calling priests "Father" no matter how evil and heinous they are. This is a disservice to lay men in all walks of life. This proves he works for Opus Dei Beast PR Deceits Team and is campaigning for the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast.
Read our related article why priests must not be called “Father” because that title should belong only to the lay fathers who toil daily for their children. Last Sunday was Fathers’ Day. Priests should never be given this honor because it is theft from lay men’s core title as men. Priests are 90% gays and they are sexually active in the most exclusive boys-club of the priesthood – and the Synod of Bishops is hypocritical to be saying that sex outside marriage act of procreation are all sins.
Read why priests must not be called “Father” -- John Paul II the Holy Father of Lies! Cardinal Dziwisz book: “JPII knew nothing” about bestial pedophile priest Fr. Maciel is Vatican Titanic Deceits
This is precisely the effect of the speedy canonization the Opus Dei Beast PR deceits Team wished to happen—that victims and their lawyers will start praying to John Paul II for healing. Speaking about the Devil appearing as an Angel of Light in John Paul II and his idiots American Catholics like Patrick Wall and Jeff Anderson & Associates who now have pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars from victims -- will also now pocket millions from the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast --- by joining the Vatican Empire PR campaign for the Vatican Mammon Evil Beast and their biggest Saint John Paul II the Great – the Devil in Angel in White!