| Pope Accepts Resignation of U.S. Archbishop John Nienstedt
Vatican Radio
June 15, 2015
Archbishop John Nienstedt of St. Paul-Minneapolis, whose resignation was announced on Monday - AP
Pope Francis on Monday accepted the resignation of the Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis in the United States, John Nienstedt, together with that of auxiliary bishop Lee Piche. The two Church leaders resigned from their posts under the provisions of the Code of Canon Law 401 §2 which allows bishops to step down because of illness or some other serious reason that makes them unfit for office.
The resignations come after the archdiocese was accused, earlier this month, of failing to protect local children from an abusive priest. Prosecutors on June 5th said the archdiocese failed to respond adequately to “numerous and repeated reports” of misconduct by Fr Curtis Wehmeyer, from his entrance into the seminary in 1997 until his formal dismissal as a priest in March of this year.
The Vatican also announced that Archbishop Bernard Hebda, currently the coadjutor in the archdiocese of Newark in New Jersey, has been appointed apostolic administrator in the Twin Cities until a permanent replacement is found.