| Former Archbishop John Nienstedt's Career
By Patricia Thraen
Pioneer Press
June 15, 2015
Archbishop John Nienstedt, shown in an interview on July 30, 2014, amid calls for his resignation for his role in handling child sexual abuse by Catholic officials. (Pioneer Press: Jean Pieri)
Archbishop John Nienstedt came to Minnesota as bishop of New Ulm, Minn., in 2001. Here is more about his career.
March 18, 1947: Born in Detroit to John C. and Elizabeth S. Nienstedt. Second of six children.
1969: Graduated from Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit.
1972: Earned bachelor's degree in sacred theology at Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and was ordained a deacon at the Pontifical North American College, Rome.
July 27, 1974: Ordained a priest. Served as associate pastor at Guardian Angels Parish, Clawson, Mich., where he remained until 1976.
1977: Appointed secretary to Cardinal Francis Dearden, and part-time professor of moral theology at St. John's Provincial Seminary, Plymouth, Mich.
1979: Named vicar general for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
1980: Assigned to the English desk of the Vatican Secretariat of State, Rome.
1985: Earned a doctorate in sacred theology from Pontifical Institute of St. Alphonsus, Rome.
1986: Named temporary assistant pastor at St. Regis Church, Birmingham, Mich., and adjunct professor of moral theology at Saints Cyril and Mathodius Seminary, Orchard Lake, Mich.
July, 1986: Named pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Union Lake, Mich.
1987: Appointed to reorganize Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit.
1988: Named Rector of Sacred Heart Seminary.
1990: Named Honorary Prelate of His Holiness; addressed as Monsignor.
1994: Named pastor of the National Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak, Mich.
June 12, 1996: Appointed auxiliary bishop of Detroit and Titular bishop (not in charge of a diocese) of Alton, Ill.
June 12, 2001: Named bishop of New Ulm, Minn., and formally installed Aug. 6, 2001.
April 24, 2007: Appointed co-adjutor archbishop (assists the archbishop in administration) of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
May 2, 2008: Named archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, when Harry Flynn retires.
June 15, 2015: Pope Francis accepts Nienstedt's resignation, along with that of Auxiliary Bishop Lee Anthony Piche. They resigned under the code of canon law that allows bishops to resign before they retire because of illness or some other "grave" reason that makes them unfit for office.