| Centre and Laundry ‘one and the Same’
By Conall O Fatharta
Irish Examiner
June 4, 2015
Evidence that An Grianan training centre and High Park Magdalene Laundry were “one and the same thing” was uncovered by the HSE in 2012 — yet An Grianan was excluded from the Magdalene redress scheme.
The revelation is contained in a memo sent from the then assistant director of the Children and Family Services, Phil Garland, to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs representative on the McAleese committee, Denis O’Sullivan, and the national director of the Children and Family Services at the HSE, Gordon Jeyes, on June 26, 2012, while the HSE was examining the laundries issue as part of the McAleese inquiry.
Mr Garland points out that the HSE had uncovered evidence that showed “quite categorically” that An Grianan and High Park Magdalene Laundry, which were on the same site in Donnybrook in Dublin, were “one and the same thing”.
He said evidence “describes the functions of the laundry and the training centres and states quite categorically that all of the girls underwent some degree of training in the laundries, in addition to other tasks of ‘housewifery’, that is cookery classes and domestic science”.
However, former residents of An Grianan, which was excluded from the scope of the McAleese inquiry, were denied access to the redress scheme as it was not considered a Magdalene laundry. Residents of High Park Magdalene Laundry were included in the scheme.
Two other institutions not previously considered laundries — St Mary’s Training Centres in Stanhope St, Dublin; and Summerhill — were included in the Magdalene redress scheme.
Draft minutes of a meeting held by the McAleese committee on the same day the HSE evidence was uncovered indicate that, as An Grianan was previously included in the Residential Institutions Redress Board scheme, it would not be examined.
“Mr O’Sullivan raised the question of An Ghrianan [sic]. A significant volume of records had been uncovered in respect of that institution. There was discussion of that, with [Mary] McGarry noting its inclusion in Redress,” the minutes state, referring to a committee member.
“It was agreed that [committee adviser Nuala] Ni Mhuircheartaigh would secure the date of separation of An Ghrianan from the High Park campus — the committee would not be examining the institution after that point.”
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald told the Dail last June An Grianan “served a different purpose” to the High Park laundry and there were “a number of different institutions on that site”.
The Government has repeatedly defended the exclusion of An Grianan from the Magdalene redress scheme by stating it was included in the Residential Institutions Redress Board scheme.
All women admitted to An Grianan were entitled to full compensation for the entire duration of their stay under the scheme. Those who did apply for redress under the Magdalene scheme were refused. It is understood a number of these women have appealed to the Office of the Ombudsman.
Claire McGettrick of Justice For Magdalenes Research said she was “shocked but not surprised” that the HSE revelations had been “completely ignored”.
“Given the fact that the Inter-Departmental Committee (IDC) on the Magdalene Laundries was made aware of this evidence, it is inexplicable that the Government included Stanhope St and Summerhill Training Centre in the redress scheme, but chose to exclude An Grianan,” she said.
Ms McGettrick called on the Government to “make immediate arrangements” for An Grianan’s inclusion in the Magdalene scheme.
“We have consistently pointed out that the IDC investigation was not the prompt, thorough independent inquiry called for by the United Nations Committee Against Torture. This evidence strongly reinforces our contention and we reiterate our call for the Magdalene laundries (and all related institutions) to be included in the mother and baby home inquiry.”
In a statement, the Department of Justice reiterated its view that An Grianan “served a different purpose” to the High Park laundry and that, as a result, it was included in the Residential Institutions Redress Board scheme.
“We are aware that some of the girls may have done some hours in the laundry while resident in An Grianan, however, the different nature of An Grianan was recognised by its inclusion in the Residential Institutions Redress Board scheme. Girls who were admitted to An Grianan were entitled to full compensation for the entire duration of their stay under the Residential Institutions Redress Board scheme.”
It says including residents of An Grianan in the Magdalene scheme would mean “those who were present there and have received compensation would receive double compensation for the same institution”.