| Trinity Teacher Fired Following Child Porn Allegations
June 3, 2015
Allegations of child pornography have cost a Trinity High School teacher and assistant football coach his job.
Patrick Newman will answer to the charges in court on Friday, June 5.
Patrick Newman
Federal detectives say Newman's social media accounts contained sexually explicit videos and messages between him and a teenage boy in Texas.
Trinity sent a note home to parents, stating that neither the school nor the Archdiocese of Louisville have ever received any reports of this nature involving Newman with any of the schools where he has taught.
The letter read as follows:
WEDNESDAY, 03 JUNE 2015 09:57
June 3, 2015
Dear Parents,
We learned yesterday that Mr. Patrick Newman, a Trinity teacher, is facing criminal charges involving internet pornography with a minor, while using his home computer. Neither Trinity nor the Archdiocese of Louisville have ever received any reports of this nature regarding Mr. Newman, and there are no indications of any involvement of the schools where he has previously worked.
Based upon the complaint and Mr. Newman's statements, he will not be returning to work in any capacity at Trinity.
Please share this letter with your son. If your son has information or concerns related to Mr. Newman, please contact police authorities. Contact information for our guidance counselors is available on our website if he would like to talk to one of them.
We are always concerned for the safety and well-being of young people. We will assist those investigating this case as we can.
Please join me in praying for all victims of abuse, in all its various forms, especially in this situation.
Mr. Daniel J.ZoellerH'07