| Rabbi Karp Pretrial Motions Set for July 13
By Ed Wittenberg
Cleveland Jewish News
May 29, 2015
Rabbi Ephraim Karp Baltimore County Police Department
A criminal trial has been set for 9:15 a.m. Aug. 3 in Baltimore County Circuit Court for Rabbi Ephraim (Frederick) Karp, director of spiritual living at Menorah Park Center for Senior Living in Beachwood.
The Circuit Court of Maryland’s website also indicates that criminal motions ¬¬¬– pretrial motions involving the prosecutor and defense team – are scheduled in the same court at 1:30 p.m. July 13.
Marc Zayon, a Baltimore-based lawyer, is listed as Karp’s attorney on the website. Karp remains in the Baltimore County Detention Center in Towson, Md., said Lisa Dever, spokesperson for the state’s attorney’s office for Baltimore County.
Karp, of Beachwood, was indicted Feb. 23 by the state’s attorney’s office for Baltimore County on charges of sexual abuse of a minor, continuing course of conduct; perverted practice and second- and third-degree sex offenses.
In a press release, the state’s attorney’s office reported that from July 4, 2009, to Dec. 10, 2014, Karp visited a family that he was friendly with in Baltimore County. During those visits, Karp sexually assaulted a minor female, the release stated.
Karp, 51, was president of Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains until being suspended from that position Jan. 23. His employment status at Menorah Park remains under suspension, a spokesperson for the nursing home said.