| I’m a Catholic, and I’m Embarrassed by the Vatican… Again
By Rosemary Westwood
May 29, 2015
Pope Francis delivers his blessing during his weekly general audience, in St. Peter's Square, at the Vatican, Wednesday, April 15, 2015.
I don’t lack reasons to be embarrassed: shiny forehead, very loud voice, a sometimes uptight nature.
Some days, I even have the bonus of being Catholic. It’s a bit like being an American — you’re an easy butt of jokes.
The Vatican can’t go long without sparking controversy, and the pope (any pope) can’t go long without inflaming the global public.
Such was the case this week. After Ireland legalized same-sex marriage in a historic referendum, a senior Vatican official said: “I think that you cannot just talk of a defeat for Christian principles but of a defeat for humanity.”
How ridiculous, and (perhaps inevitably) aggrandizing. A defeat for humanity is worsening climate change. A defeat for humanity is nuclear war. Even if you don’t support same-sex marriage (I do), allowing it doesn’t come with such dire consequences.
That’s far from my first, or likely last, embarrassment.
Last month, Pope Francis defended women’s rights, while completely ignoring the deeply ingrained patriarchy of the church. He’s also warned Catholics they don’t need to “breed like rabbits.” Thanks for the tip.
And that’s not to mention the church’s horrific sexual abuse scandal or the corruption and infighting revealed in the document dump known as Vatileaks.
The Vatican can seem like it’s aging out of relevance, obsessed with old rules over modern reality. It seems like an echo from another century.
That’s why Pope Francis’ election felt liberating. He’s humble, focused more on poverty than abortion.
He is a bit like President Barack Obama. Both leaders came in on the winds of change and replaced staunch right-wing leaders.
Since both took office, their supporters have suffered disappointments. Yes, Pope Francis’s gay-friendly, pro-environment stance gives me hope. Yes, Obama passed universal health care. But change hasn’t been dramatic or instant under either leader. Both also have many opponents within their own ranks. Obama doesn’t speak for all Americans. The Vatican doesn’t speak for all Catholics.
Take Diarmuid Martin. The Archbishop of Dublin saw Ireland’s referendum as a criticism of Catholicism, not of humanity.
“We have to stop and have a reality check, not move into denial of the realities,” he told media.
They’re not a ringing endorsement of equality — Martin does not want the church’s definition of marriage changed — but his words are, at least, not embarrassing.