| ‘boys Are Curious': Meet the Duggar Defenders Using Religion to Excuse Fondling Your Sleeping Sisters
By Travis Gettys
Raw Story
May 22, 2015
Josh and Anna Duggar (Facebook)
Supporters rallied around the Duggar family after they admitted to keeping quiet about their eldest son molesting young girls – including his own sisters.
Josh Duggar, his wife, and his parents issued statements Thursday confirming reports that he had engaged in “inexcusable” behavior more than a decade ago, when he was 14 years old, and he resigned his job with the anti-LGBT Family Research Council as calls poured into TLC to cancel the long-running “19 Kids and Counting.”
However, the Duggars’ defenders offered prayers and messages of support on social media.
“This shouldnt even be in the news,” said Stephanie Truesdell in a Facebook comment. “Its not current. Its done, over, and hes been forgiven. None of us, as fans/viewers, whatever, have any need to say anything. It was reported, and its been handeled. Its over.”
TLC has canceled all airing of “19 Kids and Counting” as the network ponders the show’s long-term future.
“Give them a break,” said Amy Blaydes Wilson. “He was a child himself. Everyone makes mistakes, but it is how you deal with it that makes you better or worse. They are human. We all are human.”
“Love y’all and Josh I admire you for admitting to your parents and getting help and again admitting it to Anna before you got married,” said Leah Maxwell McCool. “You are no different than anyone else who have sinned and changed their ways. I’m standing beside you 100%!”
“Love the whole duggar family you are so blessed!!!!” said Amy McGarvey.
“Everyone makes mistakes but our God is a forgiving God,” said Angela-Angie Nichols Long. “When we ask for forgiveness, he forgives us. He died on the cross not only for sins of that time but for future sins as well. Keep your head up and remember whose you are. :)”
“Um. Really? I can totally understand what happened,” said Kristy Marie. “Not excusing doing it without consent, but, teenage boys are curious. How many of you messed along & experimented before 18? Before marriage. Glass houses people…”
Kristy Marie
“It’s the contrast of who we are today verses yesterday that sets Christians apart,” said Jefanda Ward. “I’m so glad I serve a God who saves me because of who He is in spite of who I am. Praying for you Josh, He will keep you.”
“We are all good for nothing low life sinners that’s all we will ever be saved by the grace of god!” said Rachel Hayes Quinn. “Everyone makes mistakes and thank God for his forgiveness and for washing away our sins! You owned up to your actions payed for your mistakes and came to know the Lord as your savior that’s an amazing girl testimony not that your proud of your action but you overcame by the power of the blood and the word of your testimony. Praying for your family as you all receive harsh judgement and are being called hypocrites keep your head up. I would allow my future kids to stay with you and your wife anyday bc through the show yalls light really shines through and I can tell what a awesome family you all are mistakes and all we are all human.”
“God forgives all who admit their sins!” said Laura Loftiss. “#StandbytheDuggars”