Four Charged in Catholic School Bullying Case

May 18, 2015

We're glad that four boys are being charged in a bullying case at a Chicago Catholic school. But we're disturbed that for more than a month, no one reported the alleged crime to police.


In fact, it's possible that not a single church or school official called law enforcement until after a parent did. WLS reports that "A parent and school representatives reported the incident to police on April 28." To us, this suggests that a mom or dad likely made the first call and when Catholic officials heard about this, one of them hastily called shortly afterwards.

We hope our suspicions are wrong. We hope Archbishop Blase Cupich will be more honest about this case and who called law enforcement first. He should also aggressively seek out others who have been hurt and see little or no evidence that he is doing this.

We also hope that every single person who may have seen, suspected or suffered crimes or cover ups at de Sales High School or other Catholic institutions will call police promptly. That's the best way to protect the vulnerable, heal the wounded and expose the truth.








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