Cardinal Timothy Dolan to Le Moyne graduates: 'Run the other way'
By Elizabeth Doran
May 17, 2015
Le Moyne College's 65th commencement ceremony, Sunday May 17, 2015. Graduate candidate Christopher Collins gets an achievement for students of color sash from Bennie Williams, director of Multi Cultural Affairs Photo by Michael Greenlar |
Cardinal Timothy Dolan at Le Moyne commencement ceremonies Sunday. |
Le Moyne College's 65th commencement ceremony, Sunday May 17, 2015. Graduate candidates wait for the ceremony to begin Photo by Michael Greenlar |
Le Moyne College's 65th commencement ceremony, Sunday May 17, 2015. Graduate candidates proceed to the morning ceremony . Photo by Michael Greenlar |
Le Moyne College's 65th commencement ceremony, Sunday May 17, 2015. Graduate candidates stand for the oturning of the tassel. Photo by Michael Greenlar |
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Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, told Le Moyne graduates at Sunday's graduation how important it is to "run the other way."
On 9/11 in New York City, rescue workers and emergency personnel all were " running the other way" toward the death and destruction rather than running away from it, Dolan said. They were running toward service and sacrifice, he said, and that's the example to follow, he said.
"Wisdom inspires us to run the other way." Dolan the told the 642 undergraduate students and their family and friends at the college's 65th commencement this morning.
The selection of Dolan as commencement speaker was protested by some students because of his role in approving settlements of sexual abuse cases against priests. Le Moyne also awarded Dolan an honorary degree at the ceremony.
But there were no signs of protest during the graduation, and his talk was met applause and even cheers from some of the students.
"We're glad you're here,'' one student yelled to Dolan as he finished walking in the processional behind the students. "'Glad to be here,'' Dolan yelled back.
Dolan talked in his speech about the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
"Knowledge is what's in your noggin," he said. "Wisdom is what's in your heart and soul. Knowledge teaches us how to get, and wisdom teaches us how to give. Knowledge teaches us how things operate and work, and wisdom teaches us how things are."
Dolan said wisdom also teaches people how to live their life and ask the right questions. Le Moyne students have been on the receiving end; now they begin "the returning season,'' Dolan said.
Instead of "no," "more" and "mine," graduates will think in terms of "yes," "ours' and "less,'' he said.
Receiving honorary degrees during the ceremonyu were Lois Whitman, a human rights activist and founder and director from 1994 to 2012 of the Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Division, and David Ciancimino, the former provincial superior for the New York Province of the Society of Jesus.
The student speaker was Kailey McDonald, a peace and global studies major.