| Australian Defence Force Bishop to Stand Trial in Wa on Historic Child Sex Charges
By Joanna Menagh
ABC News
May 15, 2015
PHOTO: Max Davis is facing child sex charges dating back almost 50 years. (Department of Defence)
Australian Defence Force Bishop Max Davis has been committed to stand trial in Western Australia on child sex charges dating back almost 50 years.
Davis is facing four charges of committing indecent practices in public, and four charges of indecently dealing with a child.
The alleged offences date back to 1969 before he was ordained as a priest, when was teaching at Saint Benedict's College in New Norcia.
Davis's lawyer, Seamus Rafferty, told the Perth Magistrates Court his client would be pleading not guilty to all charges.
Davis lives in Canberra and was not required to attend today's hearing.
He stood down from from his duties with the ADF while his case was before the courts.
The case is due before the District Court in August.