Montana clergy abuse victim still not healed 40 years later
By Jill Valley
May 8, 2015
Abuse 40 years ago still haunts Missoula man |
[with video]
A week ago, the Catholic Diocese of Helena posted the names of the priests and nuns accused of sexual and physical abuse in Montana from the 1930's through the 70's. It was part of a settlement made between the church and those who accuse it of years of abuse by its clergy.
The first name on that list was a priest who served around Western Montana for years. But it was his time as the priest in Philipsburg that still haunts a Missoula man.
The Catholic Diocese of Helena recently published the names of the priests and nuns accused of sexual and physical abuse in Montana from the 1930's through the 70's. It was part of a settlement made between the church and those who accuse it of years of abuse by its clergy.
"You know, it was something I was able to block out in my mind and life for so many years that when I do focus on it and everything, I revert back to that age," the victim, Chuck, said.
Back to when he was 11 or 12 growing up in Philipsburg. He was one child in a large family being raised by a single mother. Back then, the church was there to help families like his, and Father James Barry was there to help.
"He had a pretty outstanding reputation in the town for helping people and what not. But I honestly believe that everybody knew this was happening," Chuck said.
"I don't recall him making any statements other than this is between you and I, and you know, it was like he was doing me some kind of favor," Chuck recalled.
"I was learning about my self and being a young boy but it just, I knew in my heart it was wrong and that wasn't part of what boys do'.
It was a pattern that continued for two years. Chuck says kids like him were easy prey - a distracted mother, poor, no father at home.
He eventually told his mom a and she sent him to live with relatives. He bounced around the country for years, but he could never escape what happened to him. even now, 40 years later.
"I have really good times where I can work steadily and everything. and then there are the mornings where I wake up and I don't know if it's from a dream or what," Chuck said. "I get myself ready to walk out the door and I just break down. I re-live all of this stuff and try to make sense of it."
Chuck was part of the big lawsuit against the church - the amount of money each received is based on a point system - more points for the type of abuse, the degree of intrusiveness the frequency.
He has reluctantly signed the settlement agreement, bus says neither time nor money will change what happened. He still doesn't feel the church is remorseful enough for what happened to him and so many others.
"They stated that they're going to move on and put this behind them, move on and become as strong as ever. I struggle putting this behind with being able to move on with my life and being strong as ever," Chuck said. "It just angers me."
"I think they're sorry for the fact it happened, but I don't think that they're acknowledging it yet - that they were part of it," Chuck concluded.
The Diocese says less than 5% of the priests ordained in Helena have been accused of sexual abuse of a minor. 20 out of more than 400.
Chuck's attorney is Milt Datsapolous, who says he's received more calls from potential victims now that the list of those people is posted online.
Chuck meantime is working on his bachelor's degree and says he'd also like to reach out to the other victims.