Cockeysville man charged with possession, distribution of child porn
By Saliqa Khan
April 18, 2015
Gregory W. GibsonBaltimore County Police Department |
[with video]
COCKEYSVILLE, Md. —A 63-year-old Cockeysville man who is a youth group leader at a local church has been charged with possession and distribution of hundreds of thousands of pornographic images of extremely young children.
Gregory W. Gibson is being held at the Baltimore County Detention Center on $750,000 bail. He was arrested Thursday at his home.
Detectives in BCoPD's Crimes Against Children Unit said it is one of the most serious child pornography cases they have ever seen.
"Our detectives say is one of the worst child porn cases they've ever seen," Baltimore County police spokeswoman Elise Armacost said.
Police said so far they have discovered about 250,000 pornographic images of extremely young, prepubescent children -- mostly girls -- on Gibson's computers and hard drives.
The images depict child sexual abuse and explicit sex acts and erotica involving children, police said.
"Most of them are girls, very graphic, sexual activity and erotica involving young children," Armacost said.
Gibson leads a youth group at the Chinese Christian Church of Baltimore, 1800 Cromwell Bridge Road in Parkville for children ranging in age from 9 through college age. Also, Gibson's wife has been operating an unlicensed day care operation from the home, and police have notified authorities of the illegal day care operation.
No one at the church was available for comment.
WBAL-TV 11 News knocked on the door to the facility and were greeted by an unidentified woman who refused to speak.
Police said there is no indication at this time that Gibson has abused children, but the investigation remains ongoing.
The investigation began in February, when detectives identified online child pornography they traced through computer forensics to Gibson. Search and seizure warrants were executed Thursday at Gibson's home and workplace, where detectives seized computers and hard drives belonging to Gibson containing a massive amount of child pornography, police said.
"We have recovered 250,000 images from computers so far and there's going to be more than that," Armacost said.
During interviews with detectives, Gibson said he struggles with his need to view child pornography and admitted to downloading and sharing child pornography, police said.
Neighbors told 11 News they were appalled and sickened by the allegations.
"It's disturbing, lived here 5 years, he’s been here whole time, oldest neighbor in the building," concerned neighbor Madeline Bates said.
Gibson has a preliminary hearing set for May 15.