| Pa Rep. Mark Rozzi Fights for Sexual Assault Victims
By Chris Sholly
Lebanon Daily News
April 17, 2015
State Rep. Mark Rozzi, right, is greeted by Tony Miller, president of SARCC's board of directors, left, and Jenny Murphy-Shifflet, president and CEO of SARCC, Thursday before the agency's annual dinner. SARRC stands for Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center of Lebanon and Schuylill counties. (Jeremy Long — Lebanon Daily News)
Mark Rozzi has become an advocate of sexual assault victims
A Berks County state representative shared his personal story Thursday as a victim of sexual abuse.
As a result of his experience, Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, said he has been an advocate for victims, pushing legislation to reform statute of limitations laws and to better prevent sexual abuse.
Rozzi was the keynote speaker at the Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center's annual dinner at the Lebanon Country Club.
SARCC Executive Director Jenny Murphy-Shifflet said Rozzi was chosen to speak at the dinner because of his tireless efforts on behalf of sexual assault victims.
"I believe his story is important to be told and to be heard by all of us," she said.
At the age of 13, Rozzi was the victim of a parish priest.
"It started off by the McDonald's trips and trips to the horse races, and it always ended up coming back to his room and serving alcohol," Rozzi said.
Rozzi said the priest started showing him pornographic films and magazines, and then the priest took photos of him.
"I didn't know what was going on. I was really very confused," Rozzi recalled.
It finally ended when the priest took both Rozzi and a childhood friend into his room at the same time and tried to rape Rozzi inside a shower. Rozzi said he ran out of the shower with his friend following him out the door. Rozzi and his friend agreed they could never talk about the incidents.
Tony Miller, president of SARCC's board of directors, center, poses for a picture with the two Children's Hero Award winners, Megan Ryland-Tanner, left, and Jennifer Lehman, right, at SARCC's annual dinner Thursday at the Lebanon Country Club. Ryland-Tanner won the award for Lebanon County, and Lehman for Schuylkill County. (Jeremy Long — Lebanon Daily News)
"We tried to bury it from that point on. Unfortunately, I suffer so many consequences, nightmares and mental problems," he said.
In 2009, a close friend, who was also sexually abused by the same priest, committed suicide. In 2010, another childhood friend, who also was raped at age 17, committed suicide.
Rozzi decided to run for office and become a voice for adult victims of child sex abuse.
Rozzi has introduced House Bill 661, which would raise the age for an adult victim of child sex abuse to file a civil claim from 30 to 50 years old, making the civil statute consistent with the criminal statute. Under this proposal, victims who could not file lawsuits against their attackers because of the time limitations would be able to bring a lawsuit, he said.
"It took me 20 years to come forward and share my past. We must empower victims to come forward so that they can heal and help protect others from abuse," Rozzi said.
A few weeks ago, another childhood friend who was sexually abused by the priest also committed suicide, Rozzi said.
"I am beyond the point where I'm settling for anything now," he said of the legislation, which has been stalled in the Judiciary Committee. "I'm tired of them sitting on the (legislation) because of special interests and lobbyists. That's not why we were elected. We were elected to represent the people."
Murphy-Shifflet said 135 people attended the event, the largest number the organization has had at the dinner.
Contact: chrissholly@ldnews.com