Take The Weekly Poll: Time for Archbishop Cordileone to go?
By Lois Kazakoff
April 17, 2015
Photo by Michael Macor |
With the publication of a full-page ad in The Chronicle, 100 prominent Roman Catholics launched a full-on campaign to have Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone removed from the San Francisco Archdiocese. The archbishop’s two-year tenure has been rocky from the start but became more turbulent when the archbishop insisted teachers at parochial schools in the archdiocese sign a morality clause that characterizes sex outside marriage and homosexual relations as “gravely evil.”
The request to Pope Francis for a new church leader in San Francisco is unprecedented.
A church leader out of step with the congregation he leads or a pastoral shepherd working to uphold the traditional values of the Catholic faith? What do you think? Weigh in by taking our weekly poll.