Don’t Forget Abuse Victims, Cardinal George Critic Says
CBS Chicago
April 17, 2015
Barbara Blaine, founder of SNAP |
(CBS) – Grief at the passing of Chicago’s Francis Cardinal George should not completely overshadow sex abuse that occurred on his watch as archbishop, a frequent adversary said Friday.
George passed away Friday morning after a long struggle with cancer.
Barbara Blaine, president and founder of SNAP, a survivors network of those abused by priests, said she’s sorry about the physical pain the former archbishop endured.
“We feel sadness, not only for his passing but also for the suffering that we know he endured during these last months. We wouldn’t wish that on anyone,” Blaine said. “We are also concerned and want to offer sympathy to the children who were sexually violated by priests and their family members — the children’s whose innocence was needlessly shattered because of Cardinal George’s recklessness.”
Blaine says victims’ suffering continues.