Priest sex abuse complaint filed in Youngsville
By Claire Taylor
April 15, 2015
Charenton man sentenced. |
A New Jersey man filed a police complaint last week alleging he was abused by a priest in Youngsville in the 1960s.
Roy Lee Touchet, who also goes by Lee Paul Toucheque, 65, told The Daily Advertiser that he filed a complaint last week with the Youngsville Police Department alleging he was abused as a child by then-the Rev. Gerard Smit.
Youngsville Police Chief Rickey Boudreaux confirmed Wednesday that Touchet filed a complaint with his department, which is in the early stages of investigating the allegations.
Touchet, who lived in Youngsville, which was in the Diocese of Lake Charles until 1980, said he was an altar boy in the 1960s when Smit was assigned to churches in Youngsville and Milton. Touchet claims he was sexually abused by Smit at that time.
In 2006, Smit was identified in a settlement agreement between the Diocese of Wilmington, Delaware, and clergy sexual abuse survivors as one of several priests with admitted, corroborated or substantiated allegations of abuse of minors.
Documents suggest the allegations relate to Smit's service as a priest in Louisiana, where he was ordained and served from 1957 until 1986.
According to, Smit served at churches in Iota, Egan, Lake Charles, Youngsville, Milton, LeBlanc, Cankton, Lake Arthur, Iowa, Lacassine and Chloe in Louisiana.
He also was assigned to Immaculate Conception Church and school in Elkton, Delaware, in 1987 but was removed from service in 1996, according to
Touchet said he complained to officials in Louisiana about Smit years ago and was told Smit would not serve as a priest again.
But years later, Touchet said he saw Smit's name on an Immaculate Conception Church bulletin in Elkton, Delaware. In 1996, he contacted the Diocese of Delaware about Smit, documents show.
Touchet accepted a $10,000 check from Smit in 1994 to keep the matter quiet, but he said the check bounced.
Monsignor Clement Lemon, Vicard of Priests for the Diocese of Delaware, wrote a detailed accounting of meetings between Smit's victim, allegedly Touchet, and Diocese of Delaware officials in 1996. His writing states that Smit's victim, whose name is redacted from all documents, demanded a house and a truck and a promise that Smit never function as a priest again.
Touchet has had his share of problems in recent years. According to news reports, in August 2012, he was charged with impersonating a public official when he allegedly questioned a contract worker cutting trees on public property. The worker said Touchet identified himself as a "state officer," but Touchet is quoted as saying he was a taxpayer concerned about the township hiring a contractor to do work that could have been done in-house.
In February 2013, Touchet was accused of attempting to commit theft by deception by allegedly submitting to the Hillside Township tax office two fraudulent letters from Veterans Affairs claiming he was a 100 percent disabled veteran who should be exempt from paying property taxes.
Also in February 2013, news reports show Touchet was arrested on a charge of theft by extortion for allegedly telling a woman he would report criminal activity by her son unless she donated $10,000 to a nonprofit organization whose address was his own home, news reports show.
Most recently, in November 2014, Touchet allegedly presented officials with a document showing he paid his 2011-2012 property taxes then filed a police report claiming the town did not credit him for the payment. In reality, according to news reports, Touchet owed the township money. He allegedly altered the statement. He was arrested and charged with fabrication of evidence and false swearing.