Sexual abuse or false memories? Trial begins for Happy Valley pastor
By Rick Bella
April 14, 2015
Happy Valley pastor Mike Sperou, accused of sexually abusing young girls in his church, briefly joined a meeting with the prosecution, the defense and Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht (right) during his trial in the Multnomah County courthouse on Apr. 14, 2015 in Portland. |
Defense attorney Steven Sherlag gives his opening statement in the trial of Happy Valley pastor Mike Sperou, accused of sexually abusing young girls in his church, in the Multnomah County courtroom of Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht on Apr. 14, 2015 in Portland. |
Opening statements in the trial of Happy Valley pastor Mike Sperou, accused of sexually abusing young girls in his church, began in the court of Multnomah County Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht on Apr. 14, 2015 in Portland. |
Opening statements began in the trial of Happy Valley pastor Mike Sperou, accused of sexually abusing young girls in his church, in the court of Multnomah County Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht on Apr. 14, 2015 in Portland. |
Opening statements in the trial of Happy Valley pastor Mike Sperou, accused of sexually abusing young girls in his church, began in the court of Multnomah County Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht on Apr. 14, 2015 in Portland. |
Multnomah County deputy district attorney Chris Mascal gives her opening statement in the trial of Happy Valley pastor Mike Sperou, accused of sexually abusing young girls in his church, in the court of Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht on Apr. 14, 2015 in Portland. |
A Happy Valley pastor sank into drug abuse and heavy drinking, leading to sexual abuse of young girls who lived with him in a communal church, if you believe Multnomah County prosecutors.
But if you believe defense attorneys, Pastor Mike Sperou of the North Clackamas Bible Community has been unfairly accused because the girls -- now grown women -- have had their memories contaminated by shoddy police interviews and conversations with others who dislike Sperou.
The conflicting pictures emerged Tuesday, the opening day of Sperou's trial before Circuit Judge Cheryl A. Albrecht on three counts of first-degree sexual penetration. A grand jury indictment charges Sperou, 64, of placing his fingers inside the vagina of Shannon Clark while she lived at one of the church's homes in the 1990s.
The Oregonian/OregonLive generally does not disclose the names of alleged sexual abuse victims. But Clark and other women connected with the case have come forward, asking that their stories be told.
In her opening statement, Deputy District Attorney Chris Mascal said Clark was raised in the church to respect and adore Sperou as their spiritual leader.
"Even as he was breathing down her neck and kissing her," Mascal said. "Even as he put his hand down her pants. She didn't question the sexual details of her early years because she grew up with him."
But Sperou's defense attorney, Steven J. Sherlag, said Clark at first made few, undetailed allegations when interviewed by Portland police. Years later, when the allegations were reinvestigated, Clark changed her story. By that time, Sherlag said, she had discussed her experiences with other women. She also heard second-hand accounts from police, relaying what other woman had said -- considered to be an improper interview tactic.
Sherlag said discord among adults in the church may have fueled Clark's allegations.
"Almost 20 years ago, the seeds of false accusations were sown in a sectarian split," Sherlag told the jury. "And memories do change. ... We are going to show you how false memories can lead to criminal accusations."
The trial is expected to last for two weeks.