| ‘we Hope Hearing Can Help Healing’: Bishop and Leader
Morning Bulletin
April 14, 2015
Rockhampton Bishop Michael McCarthy
ROCKHAMPTON Bishop Michael McCarthy (pictured) and Sisters of Mercy leader Berneice Loch have released a joint statement in relation to the Royal Commission hearing into Neerkol Orphanage.
Here is what they said:
Together we give our wholehearted support to the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse which will conduct a public hearing in Rockhampton, from this week.
Through the work of the Royal Commission, people who have been so badly impacted by childhood sexual abuse can be heard.
It is our sincere hope that survivors and their families may experience some healing from the opportunity the Royal Commission provides.
We renew our heartfelt apology to people who have suffered child sexual abuse by church personnel and again we extend this apology to their families and all others who have shared in their suffering.
During the coming weeks we offer our prayers and support for all who have bravely stepped forward to share their story.
We pray our church will continue to acknowledge its past failings, to listen with an open heart to the hurt and pain of people who have experienced abuse and we confirm that we will continue to do what we can to assist them.
The Diocese of Rockhampton and the Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea remain committed to working for reconciliation with people whose lives have been impacted by child sexual abuse. We are also committed to doing everything we can to ensure the safety of children in our care.