| Class Action Motion Filed in College St-hilaire Sexual Abuse Case
By John Meagher
Montreal Gazette
March 27, 2015
MONTREAL, QUE.: MARCH 26, 2015 -- College St.Hilaire south of Montreal on Thursday, March 26, 2015. A former student claims he was sexually abused in the 1980s by Brother Jean-Paul Thibault. (John Kenney / MONTREAL GAZETTE)
A former student at College St-Hilaire has filed a motion in Quebec Superior Court to authorize a class-action suit on behalf of individuals allegedly sexually abused by clergyman Jean-Paul Thibault, a former teacher and principal at the school.
Thibault, a Catholic brother with the Freres de Notre-Dame de la Misericorde, was arrested March 17 for sexually assaulting the former student at the college in the 1980s.
Thibault, 72, is accused of indecent assault, sexual assault and incitement to sexual touching while in a position of authority.
The abuse began when the victim was 12 years old, said lawyer Robert Kugler of the law firm Kugler Kandestin, which filed a class-action suit to include the possibility there are other victims of Brother Thibault, who was released on $1,000 bail following his arrest.
Following their investigation, Richelieu-St-Laurent police said they also believe there may be other victims. Captain Francois Cinq-Mars has asked that other victims contact the police department.
“With one victim coming forward, others may soon follow,” Kugler said. “It always starts with one, the class representative, and then it usually increases from there.”
The assaults at College St-Hilaire allegedly began in 1982 when the victim was a Secondary I student at the private boarding school.
“Early on in the boy’s stay at the school he was messing around in class and was sent to the principal’s office, like we’ve all been before,” Kugler said.
The suit claims Thibault immediately began engaging the student in discussions about sex and genitals.
A short time later, the suit alleges Thibault came to get the young student at night in the dormitory and brought him to a little food canteen in the building. At the beginning, Thibault gave him candies and drinks. But in later encounters at the candy shop, Thibault touched his genitals.
The suit claims the abuse escalated over time to include masturbation and oral sex.
Brother Thibault also came to get other boys at night and bring them to the canteen, according to the victim’s suit.
The suit also alleges Brother Thibault invited the victim to an apartment to watch pornographic films. He also took him on camping trips, ski trips to Bromont, and visits to Lac Sergent, where he was sexually assaulted. Thibault demanded the victim perform oral sex and masturbation. On one occasion, he attempted to sodomize the victim.
Kugler has represented sexual abuse victims in the past and said there are common traits to cases in which an authority figure abuses a child.
“It is similar to sexual abuse cases where these people are in a position of authority, literally not only as the principal of the school, but parents of these children have confided parental authority over the children to this guy.”
“So the kid’s view him not only as their principle, but also as a father figure. In Quebec society, these people are also God on earth, so there’s that as well.”
Kugler said it is excruciatingly difficult for victims to face their accusers. (The victim in this case is now in his 40s and has filed a motion to keep his identity private.)
“The (victims) become extremely confused. Many victims have told us they feel responsible for having caused the priest to sin, which is terrible.
“It results in them bottling everything up. They feel extremely ashamed, and have all kinds of problems in their lives. … The vast majority of victims of sexual abuse never disclose it at all. They repress it forever.”
Kugler said his client finally came forward after seeing a local newspaper that paid homage to Thibault and the congregation of Freres de Notre-Dame de la Misericorde.
Thibault, the school and the congregation are named as defendants in the class-action motion. The suit is claiming damages totalling $850,000, including $500,000 in punitive and exemplary damages.
In light of recent events, Thibault has been expelled from the school administration, said college spokesman Claude Choiniere, who said the staff was “stupefied” by the news of Thibault’s arrest.
Choiniere said parents were alerted of the shocking news last week, but he also pointed out that the college has not been run by the Catholic congregation since the late 1980s. The college is secular now.
Part of Thibault’s bail conditions is that he not contact the alleged victim and his family. He must refrain from going to public parks or places where children under 16 are present.
He must return to court May 25.
Contact: jmeagher@montrealgazette.com