Nigel Hunt: Echoes of previous scandal heard today
By Nigel Hunt
March 17, 2015
Anglican Archbishop Ian George resigned in 2004. |
THE foul stench of child sexual abuse by the clergy has already cost one archbishop his job in South Australia.
In 2004, Anglican Archbishop Ian George resigned in the aftermath of a report that criticised the handling of such allegations under his stewardship.
Although there was absolutely no suggestion he had broken any church rules or laws of the state, he carried the can and bore the brunt of an avalanche of public criticism towards the church, which started at the top with then-premier Mike Rann and flowed through to his own parishioners.
In the end, he had no choice but to put his hands up. Unlike his predecessors, he didn’t retire with respect and dignity, but ended his career in a sad, bitter fashion, unhappy at being the scapegoat for those who had tarnished his church.
Similarly, while Archbishop Philip Wilson is innocent unless a court of law says otherwise, there is a very real likelihood that confidence in him within the church may wane.
There is a stunning irony in Tuesday’s development. In recent years, Archbishop Wilson has been seen as dragging his diocese into the 21st century in its handling of sexual abuse allegations. He deserves credit for this.
To now be accused of the very conduct he has been rallying against seems unfathomable.