| Probable Cause in Bailey Case
By Tinita Tennant
Altus Times
March 6, 2015
Tommy Lynn Bailey and wife Cindy awaiting today's preliminary hearing.
The preliminary hearing for former Altus pastor Tommy Lynn Bailey was held this morning at the Jackson County Courthouse. Bailey was arrested in December 2014 on a felony warrant out of Jackson County on a complaint of child sexual abuse.
Bailey was the pastor at the Elm and Hudson Church of Christ in Altus for almost 15 years. He resigned as their minister on November 30, 2014, about two weeks before his arrest. It should be noted that none of the allegations against Bailey relate to the church itself. Bailey was also a former employee at Open Arms behavioral center in Lawton.
According Altus Police, the female victim told investigators that the sexual abuse began when she was only 14-years-old while living in the Bailey home. Police say that the investigation has revealed that the sexual abuse started around September 2007 and continued through February 2014, when the victim was in the custody of the State of Oklahoma as a foster child.
Bailey was arrested at his home on Dec. 16, 2014 without incident and taken to the Jackson County Jail. His bond was set at $100,000. Bailey has been released on bond with certain special bond conditions set. He is to have no contact with the victim or 3rd party, and he cannot be in the presence of minors without adult supervision.
Today’s hearing was open to the public with over 20 people in attendance. The presiding Judge was Judge Brad D. Leverett. “This is a sensitive matter and we have a large crowd. No one is to react in anyway, with any expression intended to be an opinion on what is heard here today or the Sheriff will remove you,” said Judge Leverett.
Assistant District Attorney, David R. Thomas called the witness to the stand. Shawna Dale, 20, was placed in the Bailey home, September 2007, when she was 12 years old as a foster child. This morning Dale gave testimony to the alleged sexual abuse against her by Tom Bailey.
“At first we were really close, I never really had a father figure and he was the best one but as time continued he started sexually abusing me,” Dale said. Dale continued to give testimony that the sexual contact began as touching of her back and breasts. “The touching progressed for about a year and half and at the end it became very sexual,” said Dale. Dale recalled that all acts occurred at the Bailey residence.
Dale was cross examined by Bailey’s Attorney, R. Scott Adams. Adams asked Dale if she has made any contact with Mr. Bailey in the last 30 days, to which she confirmed she had.
“I called him because I miss my Dad. I told him Happy Birthday, that I missed him and that I love him. I was crying a lot,” said Dale. Attorney Adams asked Dale if she had apologized to Mr. Bailey for lying. “No. I did not say I was sorry for lying. I did say that I’m sorry it went this far,” said Dale.
After being questioned by both sides and hearing a very detailed testimony from Ms. Dale, Judge Leverett stated, “The Court finds that probable cause does exist on one count of child sexual abuse, that the Defendant could have committed the crime.”
Tom Bailey’s next hearing is scheduled for April 7, 2015 at 9 a.m.
Contact Michael Bush at fbush@civitasmedia.com or Tinita Tennant at ttennant@civitasmedia.com
Contact: ttennant@civitasmedia.com