| After Nine Trials Spanning 12 Years St Joseph's Teacher Brother John Maguire Faces Sentencing for Child Sex Offences
Sydney Morning Herald
February 27, 2015
John Dennis Maguire, former dorm master at St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill, departing the Downing Centre Court on Friday. Photo: Wolter Peeters
After nine separate trials spanning 12 years, Brother John Dennis Maguire was used to being in a courtroom.
But when the 71-year-old priest sat in the dock on Friday it was the first time he had faced the prospect of being sentenced for a crime.
From 1978 to the mid-1980s, Maguire was a teacher and dorm master at St Joseph's College in Hunters Hill, an exclusive Catholic school run by the Marist Brothers.
In 2002, he was charged with multiple sexual offences in relation to several students at the school, with the complainants alleging that he would target boys who were homesick – comforting them and then sexually assaulting them.
Maguire pleaded not guilty to the charges and his lawyers successfully applied for each of the allegations to be heard separately.
During eight separate trials in which each jury – in accordance with the law – was given no indication of any other allegation against the accused, Maguire was acquitted of all charges.
But late last year that changed.
Maguire was convicted on six charges of indecent assault over a series of attacks on an 11-year-old boy in the early 1980s.
"The offender abused the trust of the victim in circumstances where the victim was homesick, isolated and vulnerable," Crown prosecutor Hugh Baker said during Friday's hearing.
"The offender told the victim's family that they would look after him.
"Then on four separate ocassions in 1983 the offender touched and massaged his genitals."
"[On another occasion] the victim woke up in a room full of boys in the middle of the night to find the offender sucking his penis …"
Mr Baker said Maguire had engaged in a gross breach of trust and was motivated by a desire for his own sexual gratification.
Maguire's solicitor, Greg Walsh, conceded that the offences committed by his client were very serious but asked the judge to consider a suspended sentence.
"He is totally a broken man … who regards himself as having his life destroyed," Mr Walsh said, a comment that was met with loud groans of derision from some in the public gallery, who were quickly silenced by the judge.
Mr Walsh said his client had been subjected to vilification, producing an article from the blog Shatter Your Silence, in which the authors named Maguire and called on paedophile priests to be hanged.
The article appeared under the heading "Rape-a-babe".
"He's come to my office with this material, crying," Mr Walsh continued. "It's had an enormous salutory effect."
Mr Baker said the offence was above the middle range of seriousness and called for Judge Peter Whitford to impose a custodial sentence.
Maguire will be sentenced on March 20.