Truth, Justice and Healing Council to explain Royal Commission response
ABC News
February 25, 2015
Today's information sessions will allow the community to speak with Francis Sullivan, the CEO of the church's 'Truth, Justice and Healing Council'. |
The Hunter's Catholic church will today host two public information sessions to discuss the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse.
Four days of private hearings began in Newcastle yesterday, with 32 local abuse survivors giving evidence.
Today's information sessions will allow the community to speak with Francis Sullivan, the CEO of the church's 'Truth, Justice and Healing Council'.
Mr Sullivan said it is important people get to hear from the church organisation that is responding to the Royal Commission.
The community want the Catholic church to tell the truth, to reveal what happened.
Francis Sullivan, CEO of the Catholic church's Truth, Justice and Healing Council
"The community want the Catholic church to tell the truth, to reveal what happened," he said.
"The history of the Catholic church is shocking and confronting.
"Secondly, people who have been victims need to know that there is going to be structures put in place to deliver justice for them.
"And thirdly, people who are victims want to know that it's not just a process, but it's ongoing support."
Mr Sullivan said it is important people understand how the church is responding.
"The Catholic church, particularly in the Hunter area, are taking the necessary steps to demonstrate to the community that they're dinkum about getting all the information, all the truth to come out," he said.
"It's a process, and it's a typical human process, with its strengths and its failures."
The information sessions will be held at 10:00am (AEDT) and 12:45pm at the diocese's Victor Peters Suite at 845 Hunter Street, Newcastle West.