Child sex abuse: Father's testimony brings room to tears
By Craig Hughes-Cashmore
February 24, 2015
Child sexual abuse is betrayal of the worst kind. |
On Monday an entire room was brought to tears as the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse heard the heartbreaking testimony from a father of a Knox Grammar student who was a victim of child sexual abuse whilst at that school.
With his wife by his side for support, this brave elderly man dedicated his testimony to the memory of his cherished son who died just three years ago, prematurely at the age of 44.
The hearing room listened as he spoke of the health issues that lead to his son's death – issues that had commenced at the time the abuse had begun when his son was 12 years old.
He reported that neither his son nor his family were ever offered an acknowledgement, an apology or support by the school administration at Knox, despite the conviction of the perpetrator in 2009.
It is worth noting that Knox Grammar still has no information on its website acknowledging that at least five paedophiles were operating at the school for over 30 years.
The commission also heard of the negative impact that the suspended sentence of his son's perpetrator had on the entire family. Written entreaties from his son and their family to the presiding judge questioning why a custodial sentence was not awarded were never responded to or even acknowledged by the courts.
Child sexual abuse is betrayal of the worst kind, and often means interrupted education and limited prospects. Research consistently indicates that men wait on average 25 years before they disclose to anyone about the abuse they have suffered.
Ill-health, alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, depression and suicide are just some of the devastating outcomes of child sexual abuse.
Men sexually abused in childhood are particularly vulnerable to suicide, reporting suicidal ideation at 10 times the rate of a community sample of Australian men. Forty six percent of male survivors report suicide attempts.
Newcastle has been rocked by a number of suicides by male survivors and in 2013, the Victorian Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and other organisations substantiated the suicides of more than 50 men in the Ballarat region alone.
The exact numbers of suicide by survivors of childhood sexual abuse will never be known but the fact that children are losing their fathers, wives their husbands, in many cases without really knowing why, is beyond tragic. This is the insidious and hidden social cost of childhood sexual abuse.
With the right kind of specialist support, understanding and mateship, men struggling with the adverse effects of childhood sexual abuse can recover. Contrary to popular belief, when men feel safe to do so, they do open up and talk. We at the Survivors and Mates Support Network have witnessed the incredible healing power that occurs when the isolation is broken and men begin to understand that their coping mechanisms, however destructive, are not unusual for people who have been abused and they are not alone or beyond help.