Censorship Is on As Christian Taliban Starts Running Everything

By Kay Ebeling
City of Angels
February 23, 2015

[ne wants to save content from CofA Blog do it now, as Blogger is going to "block" it on March 23 for being "sexually explicit" and to that I say a big f--- you, you want sexually explicit, look what these priests did to all of our lives. Thanks, Fundamentalists who are taking over and ruining everything. I was told in an email from Blogger today not to create any new content and the blog will be "blocked" after March 23rd, and to be honest, it's too much work to put it all up somewhere else. The Bishops Got To Google. http:]

[ can tell by my stats, Google looked at CofA12 and they looked at CofA 2 linked below, no others, and decided to block City of Angels and told me not to produce any new content. CofA 2 is the one where I criticize SNAP, so. . . Google did not even look at any other blogs, just those two, and told me in an email they are going to block me: http:]








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