| Archdiocese of Philadelphia Says $30m Raised So Far for World Meeting of Families
CBS Philly
February 20, 2015
Pope Francis (Photo by Osservatore Romano/Getty Images)
With about seven months to go before Pope Francis arrives in Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families, the Archdiocese confirmed its fundraising is on track to its $45 million goal.
They say that to date, $30 million dollars in cash and in-kind donations have been pledged in anticipation of the Papal visit in late September.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia says the current pledges put the fundraising effort at 67 percent toward the estimated budget and fundraising goal.
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput says, “Wonderful generosity and great enthusiasm for the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis have defined our initial fundraising efforts. From those supporting this event, we have often heard about the fundamental importance of the family in strengthening our communities at-large, and regardless of faith, all have expressed a desire to support the institution of the family, which is the cornerstone of our society. There is also great excitement about the visit by Pope Francis and how his presence in Philadelphia next September will bring people of all faiths together in conversation, service and ultimately, love.”
At this time, no additional details about the World Meeting of Families have been shared.