Sex abuse inquiry leads to call for rabbis implicated in testimony to resign
By Liam Mannix
February 17, 2015
Rabbi Meir Shlomo Kluwgant |
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria has demanded the resignations of all rabbis implicated in testimony before the royal commission into child sexual abuse.
Australia's top rabbi, president of the Organisation of Rabbis of Australasia Meir Shlomo Kluwgant, resigned on Monday night after revelations at the commission that he called the father of three children sexually abused at Jewish children's homes a "lunatic".
On Tuesday the Victorian Rabbinical Council released a statement calling on others to do the same.
"We call upon others, rabbis and lay-leaders alike, who were implicated in the testimony presented at the royal commission to follow suit and take ultimate responsibility for their actions.
"The RCV will not resile from its duty toward the vulnerable members of our community."
Despite that, the statement heaps praise on Rabbi Kluwgant and calls his resignation "unfortunate".
"The RCV recognises Rabbi Kluwgant's dedicated contribution to the RCV and other communal organisations over many years and in particular his work in helping to foster proper methods of dealing with allegations of child sexual abuse and the RCV is pained at this unfortunate development."
The RCV said it would use the testimony and findings of the royal commission to strengthen its practices and education around child sexual abuse.
"In the aftermath of the royal commission the RCV membership recognises that the practices and policies to counter child abuse, as well as the education of our rabbis, needs to be even further strengthened.
"The RCV further recognises that it should and will use this opportunity to improve its membership criteria and to introduce better forms of accountability and governance of our members."