Independent advisory panel
Roman Catholic Diocese of Maitland and Newcastle
February 15, 2015
[with video]
In July 2014, following the release of the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry report Bishop Bill Wright established an Independent advisory panel to provide advice in relation to the report, and more specifically to address adverse comments the report made against Mgr Allan Hart and Fr Bill Burston.
Including members drawn from both within and outside the diocese, the panel was established to consist of predominantly laity, with a gender balance and inclusive of a number of non-Catholics. As communicated in September 2014, following the announcement of the panel, one member deemed it appropriate to resign their position. This position was filled by a new panel member who also elected to keep their identity confidential.
Another member of the panel also chose to resign from their position, and due to time constraints in the panel formulating their recommendations to Bishop Bill this position was not replaced. As a result of this, the panel in its final form consisted of six members and due to the changes in members since formation, the final report was delayed.
The Independent advisory panel’s final report was presented to Bishop Bill on Tuesday 16th December 2014. After due consideration of this report and following ongoing liaison with legal representatives for both Mons Hart and Fr Burston, Bishop Bill has now approved the report for publication.
Statement from Bishop Bill Wright on the Diocese's response to the Special Commission of Inquiry Report, the Independent advisory panel and Fr William Burston and Msgr Allan Hart